View Full Version : Bush's Middle East, and Obama's

Chris Knipp
11-10-2008, 07:08 PM
Election week, November 2008.

Progressives are working up a head of gloom over Barack Obama's pending staff choices. In international relations his readiness to talk is a big plus, but he shows no more signs of being a peacenik than any of his predecessors. He's closer to Clinton than to the Cheney neocons and more organized and cautious than Clinton. But if his Clinton era advisers aren't neocons they're still hawks. It all begins with the hawkish, big Israel supporter Rahm Emanuel, a "shameless neoliberal, friend of big business, and staunch advocate of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories," as Joshua Frank put it in Dissident Voice (http://www.dissidentvoice.org/2008/11/a-look-under-the-hood-at-the-potential-obama-administration/) . Having Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff sets up a filter tuned in the hawkish direction. Since Obama is very much a mainstream politician and his people are to a big extent Clinton's, he isn't likely to cause any paradigm shifts.

Except--there have already been paradigm shifts that could dramatize the Obama administration and make it unique.There has been 9/11 and the Bush administration's generally disastrous responses to it. Iraq, Katrina, the economic meltdown. And now has come the miraculous moment of a Democratic sweep and Obama's landslide victory. He's got his work cut out for him, as they say. But in a way he's in the best of all possible positions, one in which anything decent he does will evoke the observation, "Bush would never have done that." Things are so bad they can only get better. This is a historic moment, and if we have trouble finding change we can believe in, we still are filled with hope.

In dealing with the economic disaster Obama can be Hoover or FDR'there's no in-between. The stakes are high, so if he wins, he can win big. He won't push for single-payer health care, but if Congress' new Democratic power base legislates it, he'll sign off on it. If he chooses the right economic czars and the crisis turns around throughout our system, the global repercussions will enormously enhance his already positive image. The US will start to look good again in the world, and Americans themselves will feel a little less pain and a lot more pride.

By all accounts Bush's greatest disaster(and the competition's tough) is Iraq, and in the Middle East it's really hard to see what Obama can do. Withdrawing from the country is all Americans discuss, except for the conservatives' fantasy talk of "victory." But everybody knows the Americans are on the way out of Iraq, even though they'll also never leave completely. What they never mention is compensating the Iraqis for all the damage we've done them and their country.

The problems in the Middle East have, thanks to Bush policies, metastasized. Israel has been allowed to fester. Bishop Tutu is just one of many, notably Billy Carter and UN officials, who've pointed out (http://www.242central.org/apartheid.htm) that the Palestinians' plight in the Occupied Territories is worse than that of black South Africans under apartheid. Apart from its heavy US monetary and arms support, Israel fares well on its own economically. Businesses are booming amid chaos, illustrating the principles Naomi Klein defines (http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article9044.shtml) in Milton Friedman "shock doctrine" terms as disaster capitalism. If you don't need stability to thrive economically and your mindset allows you to ignore moral responsibility toward the people you have subjugated and ethnically cleansed because you think your cause is more just than all others, there's no motivation to make peace. That's the way it stands with Israel and its American supporters now. But Obama wants to talk and he will at least start some kind of negotiations in which the US will have a chance of being effectively involved again.

But there is serious trouble with the new President's image in this area. In an "open letter" to the then candidate in the same recent issue (http://www.dissidentvoice.org/2008/11/an-open-letter-to-barack-obama/) of Dissident Voice, Ralph Nader pointed out Obama's support of Zionist hardliners and new disregard for Palestinians--whom he once wooed. This was especially evident in a speech to AIPAC right after his nomination that, in the words of Israel peace activist Yuri Avnery, "broke all records for obsequiousness and fawning." Nader notes that Obama has snubbed Muslims more than Bush. We can see why; he wanted to win, and during the campaign no supporter dared utter his classically Muslim middle name. After his landslide victory suddenly there was a flurry of relieved mentions of it the pro-Obama press.

Whether the Hussein in his name and his dark skin somehow give Obama more credibility in the Arab world as it does in Africa remains to be seen. Given his concern to be seen as representing everyone in a race-neutral fashion, role-playing may be fraught. The world would have elected him if it could, but it's hard enough for him to try to be President of the United States of America. In any case, Iraqis in the street are skeptical. Obama's opposition to the invasion doesn't help them now, and his centrism means we don't know whom he'll withdraw from Iraq and how soon, or what he can do about Iran--in that area the choice probably won't be entirely his. How encouraging is it that Obama wants to up the troop level in Afghanistan, where Karzai is already protesting civilian killings? When it comes to Middle East policy, the progressives' gloom seems justified. As Obama said in his acceptance speech about other goals, four years aren't enough.

There is a sad new link between Israel and Iraq: refugees, caged by the Israelis and hovering outside the borders of Iraq. Nir Rosen believes that Iraq is a failed state and finds its conditions analogous to Mogadishu, Somalia. Iraqi refugees, already 2.2 million and growing by the thousands daily, carry the virus of sectarianism and discontent mainly to Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, with only Syria still accepting the thousands still fleeing daily. Parallel to the long-term effect of the Palestinian refugees, this will grow the forces of terrorism and discontent exponentially in the years to come. As for Afghanistan, where Obama wants to increase US involvement, that's the site of Nir Rosen's latest reportage, which he summarizes in an October 30 article (http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/23612315/how_we_lost_the_war_we_won) : "How We Lost the War We Won: A journey into Taliban-controlled Afghanistan." The reason Rosen is often discounted must be the kill-the-messenger syndrome: people don't want to hear bad news. This is unfortunate, because for my money Rosen's reports are as accurate and realistic as it gets. Rosen finds the Americans can't win against the Taliban militarily and the only hope may be negotiating with them and the only solution is to leave. "The Afghans are not a major threat to anybody," he says in a video. "Al Qaida is in Pakistan. Pakistan is the real problem."

The best beginning of Obama's "listening" should be heeding the words of plain-speaking field reporters like Nir Rosen who have been there and are beholden to nobody. Only in that way can he know what can and can't be done. Too often the US has tried to do things in the Middle East that were not and never could be possible. Pressuring its closest allies, the authoritarian regimes of Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, would be a good way to work outside the realm of make-believe. We can try to negotiate elsewhere, such as with the Taliban. The effort may prove futile, but at least it will not leave a wake of destruction and civilian casualties that will be covered vividly on Al Jazeera and seen throughout the Middle East. And this is where, if he is able to stay close to his declared preferences as a leader for communication and listening, Barack Obama can create a Middle East markedly different from George W. Bush's if he chooses to do so.


Two recent comments on the topic of Obama and Israel:
Gideon Levy, "Let's hope Obama won't be a 'friend of Israel'." (http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1035415.html)
Patrick Seale, "Can Obama Bring Peace to the Middle East?" (http://www.saudigazette.com.sa/index.cfm?method=home.regcon&contentID=2008111421982)

11-12-2008, 09:20 AM
I've been thinking about Barack Obama a lot lately.
4 years are definitely not enough to get the things done that he needs to.
He's in a place where "all eyes are on me", and he seems to be a cool enough cat to handle it with grace and confidence. (The whole campaign showed that he has the chops to be President).

What's really exciting to me is the fact that he and Joe Biden are really ready to put the screws to Bush, Rumsfeld, and Cheney. They've already said that they will prosecute if they find evidence of wrongdoing. (Which they should have no problem finding).
The idea that these war criminals are going to walk away scott free is abhorrent. To see them go to jail would be the icing on the cake and true proof that "Change has come".
Sending Bush and Rummy and Cheney to jail?

In regards the topic at hand, Obama and the middle east, I'll comment more in depth later as I've got to get off this computer and do some Christmas shopping. Lots to comment on about this issue.
Thanks Chris. This is important stuff.

Chris Knipp
11-12-2008, 12:10 PM
Thanks for your comment. I'd like to minimize the danger of Rahm Emanuel's appointment, but Emanuel's father's recent comment isn't encouraging. "Obviously, " Rahm's dad declared in response to worries, "he’ll influence the president to be pro-Israel. Why wouldn’t he? What is he, an Arab? He’s not going to be mopping floors at the White House," Emanuel's father declared. He was born in Jerusalem and was a member of Irgun.
Some of the better-known attacks by Irgun were the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre (accomplished together with the Stern Gang) on 9 April 1948. In the West, Irgun was described as a terrorist organization by The New York Times newspaper,--Wikipedia entry for "Irgun."

oscar jubis
11-12-2008, 09:01 PM
There is no political reason for any American politician to be anything but pro-Israel although it can be argued that what's best for Israel is to be flexible and accomodating when negotiating with the Palestinians. The sooner the occupation comes to an end, the better for everyone, I think, but many in Israel and here don't want to face the truth. Substantial changes in American foreign policy towards Israel is towards the bottom of the agenda at the moment and Obama won't risk alienating any supporters. He needs them in addressing issues deemed as more pressing at the moment.

I do have hope though that the Prez will close Guantanamo as a first step towards undoing the damage of 8 years of Bushit.

Chris Knipp
11-12-2008, 10:39 PM
Changing policies toward Israel and the Palestinians is not only urgent, but what most Arabs and Jews in the Us agree is necessary. Obama won't risk alienating any of his supporters? He has just alienated Arab-Americans. I doubt that the smart Obama would be so unwise as to say that this issue is "toward the bottom of the agenda." Unfortunately given the key role the US plays with Israel (though cynics and many Arabs now think now the tail wags the dog), opposition to Israel's apartheid policies and ethnic cleansing is far stronger in Israel itself, and more taboo here. But even so, Rahm Emanuel is to the right of most American Jews on Israel now. That's why politically he was not the wisest choice. As for Guantanamo, you don't need to hope; Obama is firmly committed to closing it. The ACLU has very publically called on him to do so on day one of his presidency. However, the legal ramifications of Guantanamo pose many thorny issues. Of course you don't just "close Guantanamo." You have to decide what to do with the prisoners. I didn't want to get into that. It's part of a larger issue, the issue of human rights, which goes beyond the Middle East and touches all Americans at home.

I will ignore your depressing open line, "There is no political reason for any American politician to be anything but pro-Israel".

11-13-2008, 06:34 PM
I don't know jack squat about Rahm Emanuel.
If President Obama is employing Clinton staff, that's fine, but it's a red flag for me.
Right now I'm "all chips in" for Obama.
He's gotta do some really stupid things or be involved in some pretty outrageous scandals in order for me to turn on him.
I just don't see it happening.
Obama's got a serious intellect man.
Several times while watching his rise this year I kept saying to myself: "How is he doing it?" and "Awesome!- I pray he makes it all the way..."

As you said Chris, things are so bad they can only get better.
ONLY get better.
His contrast to Bush is striking.
Can you see Obama sitting on his ass for 5 days while a major city drowns?
Could you ever see him say "Bring 'em On" to enemies?
Could you even see him mangling the English language the way Bush has? Hell no.
There's so many differences it's beyond positive.
It's genuine cause to rejoice.
Barring any profoundly out of character scandals or decisions, Obama looks pretty golden.
He's going to need a list of things accomplished (not bogus missions) by 2012 to give himself another 4 years. The people are going to be demanding proof of his promise of change.
This is a really tall order, but I think he's shown that he can surprise the hell out of you. He's not afraid to get angry, he's not afraid to cry, he's not afraid to say that things are really bad (and offer a sound plan to remedy it).

President Obama's got a lot on his plate but if people give him a chance, you'll see just what he'll do. Remember, he's well aware of that old word "Legacy". He knows what he's stepped into.
How's he gonna look when they show the old footage of him giving a rousing speech filled with hope and promises and then he turns into a lame duck?
Not gonna happen.
Not with this man.
He's gonna get some things done, with dignity, grace and in the case of the Iraq War, with Responsibility.

I will enjoy watching him rise even higher.

C'mon everybody...you know the words:

Your Love
Keeps lifting me higher...
Than EVER Before...

Chris Knipp
11-13-2008, 07:05 PM
The spirits are high. And it's rightfully a time for enthusiasm. But it's not a time to sit back and watch him. It's a time to seek input. The hope is that he will listen. That if he gets a lot of protests, that he'll not cover his ears. I hope that grass roots network can still get through to him. He's smart, as you say, and so he is going to be aware of what's going on, he's going to hear the criticisms. And there are going to be plenty. The Clinton cadre is no surprise. That was lined up already. But the choice of Rahm Emanuel was, though Rahm Emanuel didn't come out of nowhere. He was chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for the 2006 elections.He's the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House; he was an adviser to Clinton but quit in 1998. Like most of Congress, he's rich. He made tons of money in investment banking and is worth $10-20 million.

11-17-2008, 06:46 PM
Been busy working on my novel... some thoughts:

I enjoyed your post. Glad to see you've finally expressed some political ideas. I enjoyed reading the first post. Good stuff, Chris.

As you know, I campaigned locally for Obama. I have some ideas as to what I believe an Obama administration should look like (excuse my Engrish). See my separate post.

Chris Knipp
11-17-2008, 10:42 PM
Thanks. I've written about fifty political pieces since October 2001 that I've published in the "Politics" section of my website (http://chrisknipp.com/writing/viewforum.php?f=2&sid=91) and one or two other places, but nothing much this year, just one other. The biggest number of my pieces I wrote about the Israel-Lebanon war in 2006. Thanks especially to Johann for keeping this section of Filmleaf alive. I didn't know you were working for the Obama campaign but am glad to hear it. That must have meant a lot in the south. Here in Northern California, it's not likely that the democrats would have lost anyway. A good friend of mine here went to Ohio to get out the democratic vote there.