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View Full Version : Fair and balanced... my eye!

01-15-2009, 10:55 PM
Tonight on PBS, Jim 'the Texan' Lehrer had Republican Majority Leader Boehner on complaining that the Democratic proposal to help fix America was another example of tax and spend policy.

Reality check, please! Wasn't it under the Repulicans that we ran up the largest deficit in the history of the world? Wasn't it under the Republicans that we've largely ignored the nation's infrastructure? Wasn't it under the Republican's that we had the largest bridge collapse in our history?

...and as for keeping us secure! Wasn't it under the Republicans that American soil was attacked for the first time since the British in 1812? (Remember Hawaii wasn't a state until 1959).

This isn't fair and balanced. This is the same old slipping in the Republican point of view to trash the Democrats who are finally going to do the right thing for this country instead of running it into the ground! Let's give them a chance before we tear them apart... JIM LEHRER ("You old Republican, you!")

This goes for CNN, Fox, and ABC, too. There's fair and balanced and then there's sabotage before they can launch the ship!