View Full Version : Secondhand Lions

09-27-2003, 05:20 PM
Haley Joel Osment, Michael Caine, Robert Duvall, Kyra Sedgwick.

Great cast- should be a great movie. I'm seeing it at a preview screening.

H. J. Osment has stated that he wants to DIRECT A FILM!
He's 15 frickin' years old!
Watch this kid....

09-30-2003, 02:19 PM
I highly recommend Secondhand Lions.

Haley Osment has tackled his first "older" role and proves again he's no dummy. The kid is sharp as a tack. (and I hate him for it)

Kyra Sedgwick really impressed me. She's really convincing as Haley's screwed up mother.
The best part about the movie though is Michael Caine as the boy's uncle. Caine is winning me over in his old age.
(Austin Powers in Goldmember, The Quiet American..)

There could be an oscar nomination or two in this movie...