View Full Version : Trekkies: Be Very Afraid...

03-28-2004, 02:03 AM
Sweet Mary, mother of God.

The most disturbing and hilarious documentary ever is Trekkies. It documents the pathetic souls who devote their lives to the sci-fi show Star Trek.

I read the reviews on the imdb and a lot of them emphasize the heartwarming aspects of the doc and how the filmmakers are making fun of the people they show.

I see nothing heartwarming about it, and these people are not being made fun of. They hang themselves with their ridiculous behavior. I'm gonna sound like a bastard here but I don't care.
These people are beyond embarrassing. You have to create a new word for them. They take their obsession with the TV show to a level that defies comprehension.

I'm all for being a geek/freak/fanboy, but this is taking it to the MAX. Get a load of the losers who dress up in Klingon outfits and order food at McDonald's in Klingon!. They think they're being the coolest cats on earth by ordering in Klingon. Too bad this film reveals their Herculean suckitude and mammoth cheesiness.

Then there's THE COMMANDER. This androgynous clown of a human being expects everyone in her orbit to call her "The Commander". She wears a Star Trek uniform to court (complete with hip phaser!), looks like an elf on crack and has the gall to think she's better than everyone else on earth because she actually believes in the fictional Starfleet's code of ethics.

I had supreme contempt for this "person".
Her co-workers at a printing press think she's darling.
Man, to have me (a movie-freak) screaming "get a life", you gotta be one hurtin' unit..

If you don't think The Commander needs to be "neutralized" (e.g. set 12-gauge to "pump"), then you are way more kind than me.

How about those folks who dress up their families and pets in Star Trek uniforms? Smacks of communism to me.
(I'm joking! Can't you take a joke?)

I don't wanna sound too angry here- in all fairness I LAUGHED LIKE A HYENA. I was laughing so hard I had tears at one point.
The people in this doc. really are priceless. Check it out- you'll get your money's worth even if you don't watch the show. (Like me).