Well, I figured we Brits needed to apologise for sending you all that godawful Swinging London romcom cack like NOTTING HILL, together with any comedy film starring Julie Walters and/or Rhys Ifans......
Type: Posts; User: Prince Lazy I
Well, I figured we Brits needed to apologise for sending you all that godawful Swinging London romcom cack like NOTTING HILL, together with any comedy film starring Julie Walters and/or Rhys Ifans......
I'm with Tabuno all the way. And if you don't believe me, then see what John Shirley has to say!
True, Johann - so I guess that means the Coens write snappier dialogue than Nerdy Tarantino! But then I think we always knew that, didn't we?
"Jackie Treehorn... treats objects like women, man!"...
100% with you on this one, Ike. I hope (!) I know profundity when I see it, and I also know pretty well where to go look for it; and while it's always cool to find it where you don't expect it,...
Hee, hee... have you noticed that fans of this magnificent movie seem quite happy just to quote lines back and forth at each other? This is what happens when EVERY SINGLE LINE from the film is a...
"Suck your cock for a thousand dollars... he can't watch, though. He has to pay another hundred."
"My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal, Jeffrey."
"That rug really tied the room...
"Very true Prince Lazy I, that freeway scene is meant to just be some good fun action. And I'll say that you're right that at least somebody is trying to bring the concept of a "myth" back into...
In the previous post:
"Don't get me wrong, I do have a lot of the problems with the supposedly 'mythic' nature of The Matrix but I do find it inspiring that someone's willing to attempt to bring...
"Uhhh... nice marmot..."
"Yeah... I got a rash, man..."
I'll take the Dude over Raising Arizona any day, tho' I've nothing whatsoever against the latter. It's a belly-laugh thing, simple as...
"We know which Lebowski you are, Lebowski..."
Very rarely when watching movies do you get a genuine shock of recognition, a sense that these are your people up there on the screen... I got it...
"I Am The Walrus! I Am The Walrus, dude!"
"(Sigh...) Vladimir Ilyich, Donnie..."
Whenever I want to be cheered up, this is the one I reach for in the video pile. Hysterically funny from...
This is a new zombie movie from Danny Boyle, the British director of "Trainspotting", "The Beach" etc. And what do you know - it's GOOD! The scenario is as follows - animal rights protestors break...
PS: Talking, as we were, of splatter - how about Brian Yuzna's "Society"? Now there's an original take on climbing the social ladder!
The movie is beautifully open-ended - which normally represents too much of a temptation to the moneymen, and means you're going to get a bunch of shitty sequels. But it would be a shame to spoil...
Like nothing else you've ever seen, ever... I too had my melon permanently twisted by this amazing film. In the end, it almost doesn't matter that the girl escapes (sorry if that functioned as a...
Well, "Manhunter" exactly. It was brave but dumb for Brett Ratner to go toe-to-toe with Manhunter Mann for approx. 75% of the movie... every time there was a scene/dialogue chunk reproduced from the...
Ah, "Dawn of the Dead"... tho' I do have a great nostalgic fondness for "Night Of The Living Dead" (they're dead! They eat you! So simple) I have to say that "Day..." is terrific. You got your...
I said something pretty adulatory about this on imDB too... can't remember what, exactly, & my browser keeps flopping when I try to refer. So, take it as read I liked it! Lots.
Harsh but fair, bro'... I did think the sound design and cinematography were effective, mind you. However, when you're reduced to praising details like these above little things like plot, acting,...
Now this is what I call a werewolf movie! Smart, stylish and very funny, it's the sort of thing I HOPED to see when I first watched "An American Werewolf In London" all those years ago... and felt...
Carpenter's "The Thing" still makes it as the best splattery horrorflick ever... I think you know what I mean when I say Head With Spiderlegs. Etc, etc... But then what happened to him? Has anyone...
Vampires, is it? John Badham made an expensive pig's ear from Dracula back in 1979 (or thereabouts), but a couple of years before that the BBC made a very creditable TV drama, starring Louis Jourdan...