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Type: Posts; User: pmw
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Fixed the link color problem. Links generated by users will now look like this. Let me know if you think they should look some other way.
What specifically isn't working within the tool bar...
Can you be more specific... Things seem to be working with the tool bars over here...
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Going to be adding some functionality in a few hours that will return the site back to its out-of-the-box design. Do not be alarmed by this! We will still be moving forward. Two steps forward, one...
Shining, Inland Empire, The Thing and now Cache. Oh Google, so dark...
So I assume you can now post images or...?
You know, you could always go back and add images. Would only take about 2...
With our software upgrade, Google's robots seem suddenly fond of the site.
Ocassionally I check in to see what threads the robots are feasting upon (have no idea how they choose them but there...
Is it important to have these as separate categories? ...
Not sure they really need to be, but let me know what you think...
What about classic films and dvds? Wondering if these threads...
I am going to work on this. It's going to require a significant modification to how titles get displayed. Get back to you on this.
I'm also responding to the increasing number of FilmLeaf writers who are attending / applying to attend festivals by trying to give the site a somewhat more recognizable, streamlined aesthetic. The...
Navigation - will also be whittled down to only the essentials.
Ill also say that there should actually be MORE photos than the old site when I get done with rebuilding it. Trying to keep the color palette neutral so that the photos can carry the color. For a...
Yeah, changing the names has been a little sloppy. But I really disliked the "internetyness" of wURLd and needed to change the domain to match the name (I had never really used except as...
Actually the new styles feature of the software is buggy and not working. So I'll be editing on the fly. Apologies. If it gets too hairy, I'll revert back to the out of the box style...
Just an update: The "style" of the current forum is temporary. I am working on a new style which I'll put up when its closer to completion. Things won't be nearly as bulky, out-of-the-box or so...
Putting Fixed next to... fixed ones.
from chris to repair: Fixed...
Im going through the somewhat long process of fixing things with the new domain and software. If you see anything that is broken or needs attention please post in this thread. This will allow me to...