I also didn't mean "antipathy" to be that strong but to refer only to feeling the opposite way about one thing.
Type: Posts; User: Chris Knipp
I also didn't mean "antipathy" to be that strong but to refer only to feeling the opposite way about one thing.
Good for you, but you are somewhat missing the point. We don't want to discuss Murray, whom we know little or nothing about, though we might want to discuss his review. That is what I meant by...
You wrote:
Nothing in common with certainly means personal antipathy.
I can certainly understand how KISSES is likable even though it may be slight and have flaws; but I wish you would try to stop seeing even anticipated critical differences as a matter of personal...
I'll have to see it; showing at the Landmark Shattuck in Berkeley. It has gotten very good reviews, though a highly critical though not damning one in Sight and Sound casts some doubt on the...