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Thread: Star Wars Episode III: REVENGE OF THE SITH

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Big Island, HI

    Here is my two cents

    I haven't seen it yet.

    I recently watched the DVD of "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" in preparation for seeing the new "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith" movie sometime soon.

    What struck me is how BAD the two prequel films have been compared to the original trilogy (yes, even "Jedi") The over use of CGI has ruined any sense of tangible realism that was so cool about the original "Star Wars" movies had. Who cares about some world that is so advanced and technologically superior if it's not believable? Give me goofy droids and cardboard cut-outs of a dewback in the dusty streets of the original Mos Eisley compared to the smooth CGI blah of the new films any day. Give me model tie-fighters screaming across the screen.

    The only actors worth watching are Ewan McGregor and Ian McDiarmid and they are wasted on bad dialogue. Watching any actor being forced to react to totally artificial surroundings is just wrong. Give me a giant soundstage with a real set compared to these phony, unoriginal CGI worlds. Or how about combining great CGI with great location shooting a la Peter Jackson with his astounding "Lord of the Rings" trilogy?

    Lucas tries to make far too many lame references to classic films. When Anakin searches for his mother, the shot of him dropping into the Tuskan raider camp is straight out of "The Searchers". George, we know you grew up on Ray Harryhausen, we just don't want to pay $8.00 of 2005 money for effects and shots from the 50's and 60's. Ray's effects were state of the art for the time. Be so good as to give us the same and truly honor the man (as you did in 1977.)

    Why does a levitating cart need a beast of burden to pull it!?! Don't just do something because it's "different" or because you saw it in some other film. Don't give license to CG animators to ruin your film.

    Anyone else think about how lame the Jedi became in the first two films. They lost all their aura of mystery and coolness. We have Mace Windu and Yoda looking constipated...sitting on their duffs while the Republic falls apart and all they can do is make cryptic pronouncements. The Jedi council maybe a model of Republic diversity but it also appears to be somewhat of a freakshow. "Young paduan learner, Master Bearded Lady and Master Dog-faced boy wish to teach you the ways of the force."

    The Jedi seem extremely myopic and fallible not to mention somewhat weak. Getting ambushed and surrounded and beat up by a bunch of droids with blasters? They are sort of like samurai in a town full of gunslingers, now if they had some of them "Sith" powers....

    It all makes Han Solo's pronouncement that, "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." seem just about right on.
    Last edited by stevetseitz; 05-24-2005 at 05:26 AM.


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