Originally posted by Chris Knipp
And I am growing to like Wes Anderson, even though his fans on this site appear to have been unpleased by The Life Aquatic.
I loved The Life Aquatic, though it's a completely different type of film than Sideways. I appreciated them both in their different, original ways. I don't understand how anyone could dislike Anderson's creativity, the visual wonderland he presents on screen, the clever and quirky (yes, quirky) dialogue. At the least, this is going to be a "cult classic" for the stoner set. It's hilarious. Payne on the other hand has created a much more serious and "real" film.

Also, I'm with you (and with Dargas) as a fan of Collateral in 2004. Yeah, it's a throwaway story to some extent, but it's also the expertise in filmmaking involved that makes it so enjoyable to watch. There's a fine line there, I admit, before simply passing over into Hollywood Blockbuster Action Movie land.