I'm not quite sure why this has become as great as it is to some many people. I thought it was funny, and I enjoyed it, but there was just something missing for me. Everything seemed to be there, and I laughed when I thought something was funny, but near the end of the movie I realized that there was too much that made the movie feel mellow, and things that were supposed to be funny became depressing. It reminded me a bit of the feeling in I Heart Huckabees.

There was just something about Giamatti that didn't make sense. He started out as a liar, and a jerk who steals money from his mother. But all of a sudden he turns into a guy that doesn't like to lie, especially about his book, and is very shy. His character goes back and forth from a shy person to a guy who hits golf balls at people. And a guy who likes to buy Barely Legal.

I don't know. I liked this movie, but I think it could have been better, although I did like Payne's directorial style.