The problem with making lists is it's all personal. Considering there are over 300+ films released a year, it's easy to miss great stuff & be prejudiced only to what you have seen. That's why the "Academy" rankles me every year. Those voters are severely prejudiced (dare I say bribed) into handing the golden dude to whoever tickles their fancy. That said, I love to hate watching the ceremony. (I usually get completely wasted on oscar night and the next day mumble while puking: Denzel is not better than Sean Penn ugggghh Denzel is not better.....)

I'm glad you mentioned Va Savoir- I saw it three times I liked it so much. Even got the poster. Great lists- you have some titles I haven't seen. I thought From Hell was a great movie-it's on my list for the ten best of 2001.

Gotta see this Donnie Darko I hear so much about.