Well, Trevor, the New Yorker's thumbnail description says "As for the solution to the mystery, don't wait up," so we might also warn future viewers it's not earthshaking what the secrets are even though we shouldn't reveal them now. I think the movie shoots its wad in the first half hour, but it's quite a wad. I don't think mainstream reviewers have taken much account of this coming from a manga, and I'm not sure I even know what a manga is, but it's interesting in that context to compare this which to my way of thinking does at least have a (racing) pulse with the relatively waxworks comix adaptation Sin City. Yes, by all means, big screen.

I know my remark "we never see his family" is a bit misstated, I ought to have qualified, I meant we never see him having the background of a life as he once presumably did, with them. Your point is well taken.