Thanks for all these descriptions. Sometimes these things are better to read about than to actually see. The Ali one sounds very clever...
First screen shows a scene from Wender's The American Friend in which Bruno Ganz is at a Paris hospital getting confirmation of his being terminally ill. In the film, Wenders cuts to Ganz at an apartment blocks away agreeing to kill a man in exchange for money so that his family can live well after his death. At the artist's request, the actor, now 21 years older, agreed to be filmed walking from the hospital to the apartment in real time. This new footage is shown on the second screen, thus eliminating the jump cut.

That is of course the same Patricia Highsmith novel from which Caviani' s Ripley's Game (the actual book title) with Malkovitch the brilliant evil incarndation of Ripley. This piece also makes one think of Before Sunset, because of seeing the actor older than in the original film.