Well the Wiseman film deals with the treatment of the mentallly ill. A bit jarring film, that was only permitted to be released after 25 years provided they put a disclaimer saying that changes and improvements have been made in the institution. But if you like hearing psychotic people try and rationalize everything, and make the claim to be normal, this film might be of interest. I'll watch any film regardless of what it's about, so I don't even need a good subject.

As for Altman, I need to watch McCabe again, I really think I missed something there. From the same era I would recommend The Long Goodbye, which is my second favorite film from him. I'm no expert, but I have seen 16 of his films, so a little more knowledgable than the average filmgoer. 17 if you count Popeye, which I haven't seen since I was a kid, and I can't remember anything about it.