I was under the impression that this would have had it's own raging debate on this site, but I guess I was wrong. As the film makes it's way across America, I'm assuming most general cinephiles (i e the crowd here) has taken the time to see this. If you haven't well get on it, if for nothing else to join in on the discussion regarding it.

Now I'm gonna refrain from a plot synopsis for two reasons, 1. If you've seen the film, you already know what happens and 2. If you haven't seen the film I don't want to give anything away.

Visually I think the film fits very well into Kore-Eda's filmography. It doesn't really have a glossed over look to it, although this film I believe is more polished than earlier efforts. Eda doesn't film in long takes, nor does he go overboard with editing. That said it is hard to grasp a signature style from him, because those are usually the two dead give aways.

The music in the film I think is some of the best I've heard in a long time. He seems to just know when to use it, and when to let the silence sink in. More importantly he knows what music to use. Only one song in the film actually has lyrics and it couldn't have come at a better time (those who've seen the film know to which scene I'm referring to).

In addition to just being a story of survival, Nobody Knows seems more about a need for human contact. These kids need the social world of school, and therefore respond to any outside contact. Even if the "friends" that Akira makes wind up being a bad influence, it shows the inherent need for even this forceably mature child to play and interact with people his own age.

There is also a de-dramatization that is so much more powerful than any melodrama here. Kore-Eda doesn't seem to harp on the negative. Bad things happen and are happening, but they are shown in a way that doesn't insult the viewers intelligence. This is a director that is willing to give the audience some credit, and I for one appreciate his effort.

If and when I think of more to say about the film I'll add it, for now feel free to voice your opinion. Whether its a debate to rage, or if you just want to let someone know you've seen it and whether or not you liked it, fine, post away.