Originally posted by hengcs

(1) I think the director has made a number of real good decisions:

-- choose YOU (a popular actress) as the mother so that the audience will find it difficult to hate her totally ... maybe a lot of people who are quick to accuse others will also realize that at times, many of us are guilty. In our search for happiness, have we committed grave mistakes?

Interesting idea. I did not really know how popular she was, though I noted she was a "sort of pop star."

Originally posted by hengcs
-- it is part acting and part real life by the children.
The director tries to let the kids "live their daily life" and meanwhile successfully captures really good scenes ...
I meant to say this in commenting on Koreeda's beginnings with documentary but may not have made myself clear.

He also tries to incorporate a lot of subtleties which bring the message across ...
e.g., the gal insisting on wearing the "noisy" slippers
e.g., the eldest kid waiting in the snow for the sharp fall in price ...

-- the director also films across the entire year so as to really capture the kids growing ...
e.g., near the end, the gal could not fit into the luggage anymore (in contrast to the beginning)
e.g., the deepening voice of the eldest kid etc

Did not know your "MAJOR SPOILER," but a Japanese contributor to IMDb Comments showed the actual case was much more grim.

Originally posted by hengcs
(2) The story is very powerful by itself. However, I am not sure if the director's modified ending is better or the real "ending" is harsher ...

How do we know this about the noodles, etc.? I.e., how do you know? Can you refer us to the source?

On this general topic, I have thought about it too. I think Koreeda is concerned to focus a bit more on the positive aspects of childhood, and not repel the audience too much, in "softening" the events depicted. I do not think making the film more realistic, closer to the actual events, would be an improvement. By his alterations Koreeda enlarges the scope of the film.

Liked your sharp specific observations as usual and wish I'd had all this before I wrote about the movie.