Originally posted by Chris Knipp
arsaib may find the young plump woman less appealing in Look at Me than some of the sexier, thinner characters in The Taste of Others.

Excellent post! I agree with all of it except for the sentence above. It's pure conjecture. But I understand, you're trying to find a reason for the huge contrast in arsaib's take on two films of roughly equal pedigree (I actually like Look a little more, as do IMdb voters). The reason he gives is that the moments of "wit and allure" in Look at Me are "too few and far between" compared to the earlier film. I was quite surprised to read that.
We all bring into the theatre a set of predilections and prejudices that bear on our evaluation of every film. It seems to me logical, as you imply, that arsaib's own and lamentably unstated idiosyncracies influenced his appreciation of Look at Me. It's only natural. The sentence quoted amounts to a wild guess as to what those idiosyncracies/predilections may be. Right?