Just saw Panic Room on DVD. It has an interesting premise, and I liked the first hour, but then...there were problems for me. For example, Jodie Foster's daughter gets stuck in the panic room with Whitaker and Yoakum, which is a pretty good situation, since she's diabetic. But what do these ruthless criminals do? They give her the insulin shots she needs. Boy, what great villains.
Also, the cops show up -- rather late. I think these guys would show up sooner, since something is obviously going on in this house. Plus, it's before dawn. Don't these cops have anything better to do? Especially if some rich person's house is getting invaded -- NYPD would be there in a second. Then, Yoakum gets slammed in the head with a sledgehammer. But of course, he's not really dead -- in the tradition of 80's slashers like Jason, he COMES BACK! Please. Then, near the end, Forest Whitaker is about to exit the premises -- but he decides to go back and save Jodie Foster from Dwight Yoakum. What a nice guy! Then, he gets arrested, and does Jodie Foster try to put in a good word for him, since he saved everyone's lives? Of course not.