I think we've gone over this territory before so I don't wish to start a non movie related thread. I merely responded to some allegorical inferences about "War of the Worlds"

Loony conspiracy theories just don't wash. Besides the fact that you have no proof, Bush's main opponents would have to be "in on it" or else they would be using this information to discredit and destroy him. Lord knows they have tried all other avenues.

O.K. let's put the name calling and "Rumsfeld is the anti-christ" nonsense aside. The data still shows that Saddam was more lethal to the human race than all the war casualties, car bombings and attacks by terrorists combined.

But you didn't care about the deaths prior to the war...you only care now because you can make silly claims about oil.

>>I also never said the U.S. is just there to "LOOT AND SHOOT".
But they are definitely doing it.<<

Oh, there NOW you said it. Somehow I knew it would slip out.

>> Bush is there for oil.<<

LOL! And how exactly does it benefit Bush? How exactly does it benefit Cheney? How does it benefit Rumsfeld?

You make claims and accusations but offer no proof.

Regardless, your claims fail to persuade me and my facts and data are apparently unable to penetrate the malted hops and bong resin that cloud your mind.

I'm happy to agree to disagree.

It's more productive to put aside present issues, partially because feelings are still sore on both sides of the controversial issue, and look at history from a conceptual standpoint.

That is why I linked to data rich website: http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/welcome.html

Hopefully, we can discuss long term trends and reasonable strategies and responses to threats to human rights.

This people of our world are perhaps a century or two away from being on the same page. The united force will be democratic capitalism. The dividing force is totalitarian idealogues like Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Il. The sooner we bring our prosperous and beneficial way of life to the rest of the world the safer we'll all be.