Gentlemen, civility, please, I beg you.

This site is a film site. F I L M ! This is not the Johnny come lately debate society on the war issues in your lives. I appreciate your enthusiasm but this thread had to do with a work by a gifted filmmaker. He was not drawing comparisons to wars or terrorists acts. He was trying to make his own interpretation of a literary work.

I would plead for some calm, here. This is how bad feelings get started between members. One of the great things about this film site is that we, those of us who call ourselves members, are a group interested in discussing the various aspects of films and filmmakers. I admire each and every one of you or I would not return to site looking for validation. The contributors to this site are educated in the arts, the sciences, and many of us continue to work in those fields. So please, do not throw confrontations about as if we were at war with ourselves (which we are not!).

I would remind you of the words by H. L. Menken:

"Imagine the creator as a stand up comedian and at once the world becomes explicable."

You both have valid points of view that belong in a different forum.