>>I know what you REALLY hate Steve. It's not that I'm right, it's that I'm right and I am not an American.<<

I don't really care that you are not American. In fact, it would probably disturb me more if a real American were as unpatriotic, cynical, and gullible as you. It's curious that you bring this up...A psychologist might see your statement as something that reveals a national inferiority complex.

>>I think you love war Steve. Your posts on the subject have revealed a strange endorsement, almost like you wish you were good enough to actually be a soldier or someone like Patton.<<

Having served in the first Gulf War, I can tell you nothing could be further from the truth. But people familiar with the realities of the outside world, beyond the insulated world of Vancouver, B.C. realize that war is sometimes a necessary evil. Have you ever been to a foreign country? South of the equator? I'm not trying to be patronizing, I'm just curious what your life experience is.