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Thread: Bush Fails Again

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    SF Bay Area
    Thanks a lot for looking. I like that last part myself. Hope you'll have time to put in some of your priceless comments on "my" Jarhead thread later when you've got some moments....

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    Some words of inspiration, written over 136 years ago, can be directly applied to the Kingdom of Fear and it's king, the Goofy Child Cokehead, jorge Dumbya Bushevik of Teksas.

    (It's from "The Blacksmith" by Arthur Rimbaud, the Master Bohemian Child-God poet, the King Thief of Motherfucking Fire)


    the Poor, the ones whose backs are burned
    By the angry sun, the ones who do your work,
    Take off your hats, all you rich people!
    These are Men!
    We are workers, King! WORKERS!
    We're the ones
    Made for the time to come, the New Day dawning,

    Evil destroyed, Forever!

    The Unknown may be terrible:
    Still we will know it!
    then onward, Brothers, ONWARD!

    We sometimes dream a moving dream
    Of living simply, fervently, without a word
    of Evil spoken

    No one, ever, could make us bend a knee!

    the crowd
    In that man's presence FELT THEIR SOULS CATCH FIRE
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    Saw this poster and had to provide a link.

    (It's been on the net for a while apparently)
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada

    the longest rant on Filmwurld


    I gotta get something off my chest.
    Gotta clear my throat.

    (and cock my machine gun)

    This little post is borne of sheer anger. Rage. Indignation.
    At Bush, his Oil War and ANDURIL.

    Before anyone accuses me of pickin' fights, let me say that I'm way ahead of you. I anticipate just about every response I could get. I know exactly what I'm doing 95% of the time (the other 5% is unplanned or unaccounted for in my mental stocktaking).

    That said, while I would love to have anduril visit us again and cast his "pearls" before us swine, I know what he'll say and how he'll say it. He's got his own way of distorting facts and "standing behind them".

    He provides tons and tons of "facts", with big, beefy State-Approved hyperbole.

    But he got himself into a war he can't finish.


    He absolutely cannot retract what he said here only a little over a year ago:

    I will defend to the teeth the decision made by the Americans, the British and many other Coalition governments to liberate Iraq. It was the right decision to make then and it remains the right decision today

    Glad you think that way Paco.

    Because now, in late November 2005, you look like the biggest jackass ever for writing those wrong, wrong, wrong words.

    I know exactly what he'll say here, if he had balls to reply:

    I will defend to the teeth...

    He got so invested in his comments back then that he seemed to etch them in stone: I. Will. Defend. to. the. TEETH.

    He can't backpedal now, even after the complete and total exposure of Dubya & his admin as an evil pack of LIARS and THIEVES and WAR CRIMINALS.

    Can't change gears. I don't forget what you said anduril.
    I don't forget that you were so domineering in those fahrenheit threads. I WILL NEVER FORGET.

    But YOU will. Hell, You do.

    You don't like to dwell on things when you're wrong.
    And who can blame you?
    Who likes to be wrong?

    But being as stubborn as Bush, "diggin' your heels in", that ain't the way to go, partner.

    Own up to your failings (and Bush's).
    Be a fucking MAN for once in your life!

    But that will never happen.
    It's not in you.

    Well, you and Bushie can hug each other in heaven, right next to the Lord.

    anduril's war commentary has dropped sharply in the last year.

    His website hasn't had anything about Iraq on it since Nov.2, with a fluffy little link to a yankee tart named Kiwi's site that gives a piss-poorly written "analogy" for the reasons for the war.

    Why aren't you bangin' that war drum anymore, soldier boy?

    Why aren't you still cranking out ProBush propaganda?


    Oh, sorry. You are in school.
    Oh, sorry. You are raising a child.
    Oh, sorry. You have many many many many many many commitments that prevent you from updating.

    You are performing your "higher calling".

    Excuse after excuse is what I can expect from ANDY.

    It's RUNDOWN TIME, Mr. Biblebot.

    It's time you came clean about why you back Bush.
    It's time you gave me the real reason for why you sided with this fucking war criminal.

    I know you're not stupid.

    I know you are very intelligent.

    So ante up, doofus.

    You CAN'T be this dumb or this blind or this much in denial.
    YOU CAN'T.

    Let's see if I'll just be hearing the sounds of silence like the ones I hear from Bush:



    Ah, that's what I thought: You're a stubborn prick with no balls. GOD HELP YOU.

    Is this like shooting fish in a barrel or what?

    Hindsight is 20/20, isn't it Ken?
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada

    longest rant: part 2

    Another thing that annoys the hell outta me is Bush and company saying that the opponents of the war are harming troop morale.

    Uh, hello...

    Generals and officers are the ones who are supposed to keep the troops' spirits up, reminding them of the mission, inpiring them to "stay the course, forget about those hippie losers who say the war is evil", and keeping all "that negative shit" out of their minds.

    Indeed, this is a fucking Army phrase:


    Are troops logging on to Mike each night after a hard day of killin'?

    Are they watching CNN every night and gettin' depressed?
    If they are, I'm wondering how.

    Shouldn't you be on the fuckin' front lines?

    Or if you're "in the rear with the gear", then why the fuck are you watching TV or surfin' the net?

    I don't give a flying fuck about troop morale, and I can say it because I WAS a fucking Infantry soldier for 5 fucking years!

    AND, I'm sick of Bush and co. spinnin' the yarn that leaving Iraq would put America at even more risk of TERRORIST ACTS.


    North America has never been at more of risk of terrorism than NOW.

    Shit, I'm fuckin' waiting for Nukes to drop any fuckin' time.

    I'm waiting for the weapons man.

    I'm just watching the wheels, as Johnny Lennon said, watching & waiting for the bombs to start rainin'.

    We're sitting ducks for mass destruction.
    Canada AND the U.S. Mexico too, what the hell let's include them too.

    Bush is responsible for all of this shit.

    Man, the year 2000 seems so long ago, when life seemed pretty damn good.

    In the blink of an eye Bush has brought us so close to fucking
    ARMAGEDDON that it's beyond merely baffling.

    He's pissed away freedom, democracy, SECURITY- that's gone out the fucking window, folks. No way to deny it.
    We'll never be safe. NEVER.

    It's over. It really is.

    I would love to not be typing these words, but the truth is so PIERCING and UNFLINCHING.

    You can't deny it anymore.

    These are the dark ages, and it's all because of corporate greed.

    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

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