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Thread: Bush Fails Again

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Cardiff, Wales
    Re: Oscar, "I'm gonna pour some merlot and chill. "

    No, if anyone orders Merlot, I'm leaving. I am NOT drinking any f@*king Merlot!

    Cheers Trev.
    Last edited by trevor826; 09-16-2005 at 03:21 AM.
    The more I learn the less I know.

  2. #32
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    Nov 2002
    North Carolina
    I guess I have to wade through the dirty water as well.

    Any of us travelers can tell you New Orleans is a fascinating place. Take the St. Charles trolley through the garden district that ends up in Audubon park across from Tulane University. Every house is a work of art. The gardens, the shrubs, the flowers, everything so meticulously done. Ancient trees with hanging moss, tropical birds, and heavy moisture in the air give rise to natural beauty most of the year. That's why its call the Garden District.

    As I watched with horror on Tuesday morning, the fly-overs of the city, I kept saying to myself; "It can't be... It can't be!" I sat in my room and wept. My son came in to console me. "What is it, dad?" he asked. "Oh, nothing," I told him, not wanting him upset. "Just the dying of dream." But when he left the room, I cried all the more, not because I'd lost a city, but for those poor people standing there in that muddy water with no hope and no help. I felt helpless, too. All I could do was watch and pray for them.

    As the days passed and the misery mounted, my anger turned to fury. Where were the buses? Where were the relief supplies? Where was the guard? Surely they'll be there tomorrow! But they never came. Only when the nation rose up with one voice in righteous indignation did that sonofabitch finally act. Having helped set up field hospitals in less than an hour during combat, I know what could have been done. There were military bases less than three hours away in four different directions. They could have choppered aid in immediately on a Presidential order. Of course, that order was never given. He was too stupid to turn on the television and see the plain truth. His system had failed. He failed the American people when they needed him the most.

    Yes I blame that sonofabitch in the White House for all those deaths and suffering. And I hope the nation never forgets or forgives him, too. May it be his undoing, and his curse.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Cardiff, Wales
    Yes I blame that sonofabitch in the White House for all those deaths and suffering. And I hope the nation never forgets or forgives him, too. May it be his undoing, and his curse.

    I thought that would have been the case after his war crimes in the Middle East, but no both he and Blair were re-elected.

    Now he's proved what a bag of shite he is to his own people, the rest of the world already knew it.

    Cheers Trev.
    The more I learn the less I know.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    Trevor! What do you got against Merlot?


    Speak now, beer-boy!

    (I bellow with the best intentions..)
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    I hear you Cinemabon.

    Where were the food drops?
    Where were the choppers or Herc's dropping cases of water?

    Where was the President? He was eating cake with fundraisers.

    Where was Cheney? He was Fishing in Wyoming. FISHING, guys.

    Where was Condi Rice? She was shopping for shoes.

    Where was Rumsfeld? Who the fuck knows? He was probably making another surprise visit to his wife's vagina.

    Dubya is standing before us now, on TV, "taking responsibility" for the government's inaction.

    How exactly are you taking responsibility, George?
    By Saying you do?

    You've lied a little too much for me to take you seriously, Mr. False-President.
    You're a sitting duck now for the great American rage, that dangerous rage that pops up every now and then in history, that alters the course of the country's destiny.

    But the people are slowly realizing how difficult it is to get rid of this cancer that festers in it's White House of Power.

    This man's "axis of evil" has tentacles all over the place- places we don't know, places we've never been or seen.

    watch Trier's Dogville people: Do You Remember Your President NIXON?

    Have you cranked Bowie's "Young Americans" to a gazillion?

    Do you give a flying fuck that your country is dying?
    Do you care that your leader is killing it (and you)?

    What does it take indeed, for that mighty spin machine that Chris so eloquently put it BREAKS DOWN?

    Speak, or the world will have it's suspicions confirmed:
    America LIKES it's image and it's wars and it's treatment of the poor and the Spears' babies and it's IDOLizing and it's Hillary Duff bullshit and it's relentless pursuit of materialistic junk.

    Face it: Rome is toppling. FAST. Faster than you think.

    By you electing Bush you've speeded up your total destruction by 50 fuckin' years.
    Last edited by Johann; 09-16-2005 at 05:37 PM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    Did you guys know that if you google the word Failure
    the first entry is for George W. Bush?- the fucking WHITE HOUSE?
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  7. #37
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    Ottawa Canada
    Donahue laid the boots to Bill O'Reilly in this awesome exchange where you get to see just what kind man "Billy" is.

    Fuck your "factor" Bill.

    You represent the narrow-minded majority of Americans who still think the invasion of Iraq was somehow right.

    Man, I wouldn't have had as much patience as Phil.
    I would've been fuckin' swingin' at that LOUD, obnoxious, freedom freeloader.

    Fists and skull. Rage and Retribution.

    The sewage that O'Reilly spews is dangerous and he must be muzzled. He flails in this exchange, and it's because he's talking to a more intelligent man- a man who spent a good portion of his life bringing important issues to the table.

    Read it. Please.
    Last edited by Johann; 10-25-2005 at 02:26 PM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  8. #38
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    Ottawa Canada
    Well, O'Liely has banned Phil Donahue from his show.

    I wonder why?

    The REICH-WING still doesn't get it.

    O'Reilly (nicknamed DILDO by his friends) actually said
    Iraq may have been a tactical mistake in that exchange.


    He suggests that the war may have been a mistake but he still wants to "win". He still backs Bush and thinks sending more troops to die is paramount.

    What a fucking LOSER!

    Jesus Christ Almighty, is this what it's come to?

    The supporters of Bush and the war are flailing like fucking turkeys. They stammer and yell and puff out their chests and squawk like their lives depend on it.

    I re-read the old Fahrenheit 9/11 threads and I was struck with anduril's profound stupidity again. I thanked him in those threads at the time for placing his comments for posterity and I thank him again- that is some sweet readin'.

    He doesn't hang out here anymore, thank God.
    Pure pollution- the christian kind, the dangerous kind, the fear-based evil of perspective that gives no thought to the world at large or small- it's all about THEM.

    It's not about Jesus. (Certainly in Bush's case- as Righteous Mike Moore said: Didn't Jesus say we'd be judged by how we treat the least among us?- If George was staring down the Saviour the Saviour would be exuding a vibe so concentratedly foul that George would be uncontrollably weeping in about -.oo2 seconds).

    But the destruction continues, with the Nazi's doing whatever they want (which it turns out, is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING).

    They fish, they shop. They vacation on ranches. They recline in giant plush leather chairs smoking beautiful Cohibas by the Texas moonlight. They sing songs of freedom, like Bob Marley did, because that's all they ever have, you know.

    You're doing a fine job, Brownie!

    You're Not, George.

    You let your own people die under your watch.
    First in New York.
    Second in New Orleans.
    What's the next city to be hit with calamity that will receive your tender loving care? Your "tangible to all warmth and compassion"?

    It's all over baby Bush.

    You suck HARD, and so do all the ditto-heads who parrot your lies and Police State manifestos.

    You've choked the life out of democracy and freedom.

    If your own MOTHER thinks she's still of the elite class and can say that the poor are happy in a stadium living in cots with giant florescent lights which never go off, then I wonder just what your thoughts are.

    Danny Glover says you hate blacks. I have no reason to believe otherwise. What the fuck have you done to prove that you love them?

    I'll tell what you've done to prove it's true (cuz you might have forgotten):

    -you scratched 170,000 (look the number up- I'm not making this up) black names off the Florida ballot in 2000.
    It's an undeniable fact dittoheads- Database Technologies were paid 4 MILLION to do it.

    - you failed to help the poor blacks who had no money or transportation to get out of N.O.

    Thus you aided and abetted looting, murder (you can use "death" if you want- the REICH WING hates it when you use too strong a term) and of course starvation and massive stress- the likes of which those residents had never seen.

    I'm stating the obvious here. This is truth.

    We on the street don't need conspiracy theories or unsupported facts and allegations to say what we've been saying all along.

    The Busheviks provide us with all of the evidence we need.

    This retarded adminstration has got 39 more months to ignore, lie, and destroy.

    We are all watching and seeing the slow death of America.

    Ever read "The Destruction of the European Jews"?

    Bush is writing "The Destruction of the American People (An 8-Year Journey)"
    Last edited by Johann; 11-16-2005 at 12:50 PM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Cardiff, Wales
    I'm surprised nobody has jumped on the statement that Bush is supposed to have said that God told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq!

    Bush's God given message.

    Remember, the majority of the US re-elected him!

    Cheers Trev.
    Last edited by trevor826; 10-08-2005 at 06:25 AM.
    The more I learn the less I know.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Carolina
    You don't believe the Bush's, like the Kennedy's, can't buy an election? Do you really believe all the votes were counted? They lost 10,000 votes in our county alone last year. You don't think they didn't lose votes in other counties, in other states? He barely had 51% of the vote. That's hardly an overwhelming majority.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Cardiff, Wales
    So much for freedom and democracy!

    We heard all about the rigging and discounting of large numbers of votes in the previous election but not so much this time. I didn't say an overwhelming majority, a difference of one could give a majority.

    Still I'm sure all the bible belters and warmongers are more than happy to hear about his personal messages from "The Almighty" after all it justifies their stupidity.

    Cheers Trev. :p
    Last edited by trevor826; 10-08-2005 at 05:31 PM.
    The more I learn the less I know.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    Was sippin' some espresso this mornin' when I surfed The Onion.

    Found some real hope from the hilarious Onion writers.

    And finally some news that might be true:

    2% (That's right: TWO PERCENT) of African-Americans approve of bush in the United States.


    That's a rather LOW percentage, wouldn't you say?

    Katrina's response has driven Bush's reputation into the thick New Orleans mud.


    I want him on his knees before the American people, weeping like that Clown of Christianity Jimmy Swaggart did when he "sinned" with the hooker.

    You've sinned worse than any biblebot who beeps "REPENT!"

    Satan doesn't live in the White House.

    He lives on a ranch in Crawford Texas.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  13. #43
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    Ottawa Canada
    And does anybody else notice that Laura Bush looks like The Joker from Batman?

    She looks like her face will break whenever she smiles.

    Her eyes have that "I'm in over my head but I delude myself into believing I'm somebody" look.

    Like Doctorow said, if you STUDY him (Bush) you will see into his hollow soul. You can look deep into his eyes and actually see the corruption bubbling behind.

    Everytime I see his smug face I wanna smash something.

    But as rage-inducing his visage is, Cheney's is even more enraging.

    He's got the same psychopathic temperament as John Wayne Gacy or Jeffrey Dahmer.

    An unsettling aura exudes from the bald tub-of-shit VP.

    He's one of those "New Unhappy Lords" that G.K. Chesterton wrote about, one of those rich, vapid soulless animals that do not live life for anybody. Only themselves.

    He was a CEO before he was vice-President.

    Nobody takes this into account?
    Nobody is shining a huge spotlight on this fact?

    Now I'm no Einstein, but I do know that you can't run a campaign for President of the United States unless you've got money coming out your ass.

    Face it- you do not enter politics (in the U.S.) unless you can mount a massively expensive campaign to market yourself to the peeps.


    You might have access to some funds or have enough in your coffers.


    He's the most fortunate son to ever become President.

    Hey anduril- if you're reading this I want you to know that I now know why you liked to crank up CCR's "Fortunate Son"- it wasn't because the song kicks ass, it was because it reflects your belief in Bush. You missed the point of that song.
    "I ain't no Senator's Son"- you know what that MEANS?!
    It means that a man won't go to war if he's "priviledged", and Bush is the textbook definition of "priviledged". Eat that you posturing, phony goof. You take the word "hypocritical" and give it mythic status. You're a walking contradiction Isaiah, and I take great comfort in knowing that you struggle with your faith.

    Bush has been shitting money and silver spoons since he said his first word (oil).

    Put Bush and Cheney's "skills" together and you got your government, your war and your poverty.

    Why don't these guys ever point out the gaps between the rich and the poor?

    Because they are architects of it: it's just business.

    Well if your government has taken the position of "it's just business", then I suggest you take a position of your own.

    I envision myself standing over the bulky corpse of Dickhead Cheney, bending over and slowly removing his glasses from his fat face.

    I stand back up, crumple them in my hand and throw them as far as I can.

    Then just like Bunny in Platoon I take the butt of my still warm rifle and start some fast head smashing until you can't recognize this sloth of a cadaver.

    Steam is still rising from his bullet wounds...

    Bush is still alive, crawling on the ground about 20 feet away, shouting for Laura to bring him some orange juice and freedom fries.

    But Laura was dispatched in the east Wing, with a crossbow arrow. She shrieked like a gay man finding out that they cancelled "Queer Eye".

    I knelt down beside her, her eyes had a petrified look.

    I pulled out my Rambo knife and held the blade directly above her heart. I gently lowered it until it was piercing her flower-print blouse, then her breastbone.
    She's gasping, trying to yell, but I say "shhhhh..." just like that German in Saving Private Ryan.

    I say "It'll all be over soon- run to the light Laura, but God will only allow you to do so in order make sure you say Hi to Casey Sheehan and the 2000 other soldiers your husband sent to die, among others (Katrina, 9/11, innocent death row inmates, you know, the usual)- as soon as you do, you'll be hopping into this mineshaft car to Hell. Scott Peterson and O.J. will be your escorts. Come on, O.J. smile- Laura likes you because you're a black WHO KILLED 2 WHITES- you're in her good books! Let's be friends".

    Just like Jackie-Boy in Sin City:
    Outta nowhere!
    For no reason at all!

    I'd make Dog Day Afternoon look like a bake sale.

    "The FBI, CIA and combined miltary forces of 6 surrounding bases could not contain the wrath of a lone vigilante known simply as "Juliet".

    77 dead government employees, the only surviving member of the Bush administration (Donald Rumsfeld) stumbled out of the White House gates with duct-tape around his head and a big black sign which read:

    Mission Accomplished.
    Last edited by Johann; 10-13-2005 at 02:01 PM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  14. #44
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    Ottawa Canada
    Like Anne Coulter, anduril doesn't like Bush's choice for the Supreme Court.

    This shit is amazing.

    Is it even remotely possible that even anduril and Anne Coulter can't drink the Kool-Aid anymore?

    Are Republicans getting restless because Bush is delivering the same contempt to them as he does to everybody else?

    Are you assholes finally clueing in on what Bush is all about?

    Have you finally realized that you are complete morons for siding with this puppet failure of a human being?

    Or will you just continue to be arrogant cunts, spewing and repeating Bush's lies?

    The final shit-rain is upon us, and we're all paying for it.

    Coulter is indignant about Bush's lying.

    Can you believe this shit?

    Since when did you get angry with Bush, Anne?
    Since when did you wake up?

    Since when did the bad karma that surrounded your empty skull
    start giving you a painful headache?

    Reactionary witch.

    She's a reactionary witch, Pat Robertson is a Christian bitch.

    Bill O'Reilly is a cancerous toad that should be brought behind the barn and the army of Bush supporters should be shipped to Dumb Camps, in and around Crawford Texas (there's great ranchlands down there apparently).

    "The Dumb Camps" have Britney Spears and Ashlee Simpson records spinning 24 hours a day as well as long-winded lectures by "the Archbishop of My God is Better Than Your God" (which includes complimentary Jesus Juice and bitchin' wafers), and don't forget the seminars on cultivating ignorance. (The one with Tucker Carlson and Jerry Falwell is a must-hear)

    The only "sides" in this debate are "do you have a conscience" or "don't you".

    You can't write off disasters like Katrina with "oh well".

    If there were thousands and thousands of WHITES stranded there do you think that they would've waited a fucking week to get help?

    No way Michaelangelo.

    This President is a racist war criminal, a liar, a capitalist bigot and a former alcoholic cokehead.


    And he has power.
    Over you and I.
    Power that YOU gave him.

    Why isn't America taking it back?

    This is a test for all Americans now.
    Is this your country?
    Fuck Bush.
    Throw him out- he's yours.
    You elected him, you throw him out.



    Then you won't mind me ranting and raving for the next 38 months....

    I'm Canadian, and I'm saying what i'm saying because I actually care more about the U.S. than my own country.

    Does that sound strange?

    I have my reasons.

    Maybe we can chat about it over alcool and a spliff someday.

    In the meantime, I retire.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  15. #45
    Join Date
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    Buffalo / NYC

    Katrina: The Wrath of Bush (2006)

    I don't have another confirmation for this but it looks like MM is ready with his next.

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