Ok, I'm from Southern California...

I went to Australia for most of the month of March and had a totally incredible trip. Being a big film buff, I watched as much Aussie cinema as I could before I went. I saw Chopper and liked it quite a bit, but like Romper Stomper not the most feel good movies.

While in Melbourne, I went to the cinema and saw Rabbit-Proof Fence which sits at #1 on my Top Ten for 2002. It hasn't been released here in the US yet, so no one here has seen it. How 'bout you blokes? Whadidya think?

Other good Aussie movies I've seen in the last year:
The Castle (I stopped in Bonnie Doon for a photo op on my way to Mansfield), The Dish, Walkabout, Mad Max 1&2, Gallipoli, Lantana, and probably a couple more I'm not thinking of. Oh yeah...The Man from Snowy River...I went horseback riding for 3 days where it was filmed.

If you're interested or bored, you can read the story of my trip with a handful of pictures on my website:
My Australia Trip

I have a couple other movies that I haven't gotten to yet:
The Last Wave and Picnic at Hanging Rock

Any other recommendations for good Aussie movies I might be able to get ahold of here in the US...I need something to tide me over til my next trip!!

G'Day Mates!