Hello - I'm curious how and why 'Red Dragon' was shown on an Imax screen - the aspect-ratio is different, most importantly, and it seems odd that an Imax theater, with their impeccable standards of cleanliness, etc, would be showing mainstream movies...Just curious where (and why!) this took place...
As far as the movie goes, it was good - I was surprised at Ralph Finnes' excellent performance, and Emily Watson was good too...I did think she acted a bit 'numb', sort of a mild simpleton, but only at times, at other moments she was very convincing as a blind person.
I saw the movie a second time, snuck in after another movie's showing, and that's always a good way to judge a movie - it held up pretty well on 2nd viewing too.
Did you know the 'Amélie' role was originally intended for Emily Watson ? She turned it down due to the long shoot schedule away from home - but maybe that turned out better after all, since it's now impossible to imagine anyone else than Audrey Tatou in the role of Amélie Poulin!