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Thread: Ultimate Fighter- good TV

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  1. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    What was that?
    US of A?
    You want me to get political again?

    Oh, alright, TWIST. MY. ARM. :)

    Bush's approval ratings are so low now that's he's almost in the single digits. (to match his I.Q.!)

    I've been watching CNN a lot lately- something I'm not known to do. That channel is like a can of bug spray and I'm Gregor Samsa.

    The ego of Lou Dobbs is so penetratingly obvious through the screen. He's gotta fat head and a massively fat ego. He thinks he's the best newsman since Cronkite.

    Someone needs to tap him on his expensive-suited shoulder and let him know that he doesn't know shit about the immigration issue.

    Hey Lou: THIS JUST IN:

    If you gotta government that will not spend money on border control don't complain that people are getting in.
    Don't piss and moan about the 11 MILLION who seized an opportunity to be a part of the big Amerika buying system.

    11 Million, Lou. ELEVEN MILLION. That's more than a few "rascally devils" who are sneaking in the Land O Opportunity.

    Your government has failed once again, this time in border control.

    It's time CNN started REALLY reporting the problem, not dancing around it.

    And boy do they dance!

    They do the cha-cha and the meregue around the fact that Bush is the worst President ever and that apathy & fear haven't been this much of family friends since.......uh, NEVER.

    And Lou, don't call them illegal aliens. I fucking hate that.

    If I tiptoe across your border and get myself a 10-cent-an-hour job and pay taxes, I'm not illegal.
    Plus, I came from EARTH. Not Jupiter. Last time I heard, aliens came from the Dagobah system or from the rim of an event horizon, not an hour up the road.

    If your border is a seive, that's not the immigrants' problem- it's yours. Time to start placing some blame on your leaders.
    I know that doesn't really work (nothing sticks) but blaming those who have nothing to lose doesn't work either unless your border is tighter than a nun's....

    If you had insanely tight border control and insanely tight immigration policies, then you have a leg to stand on. The government will NOT spend money on border control. Or port security- you saw Clinton speak- one in twenty cargo containers are searched?! Holy fuck- ZERO SECURITY FOLKS! You saw Fahrenheit 9/11- remember that State Trooper who patrolled practically the whole damn coast?

    Blame the Red White & Blue's GOVERNMENT, LOU DOBBS!

    Did anybody see the Daily Show yesterday?

    They had a guy on who said that these illegal immigrants are LEGAL because they know that if they do not toe the line that they will be DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY. Did you hear that, LOU?

    They. will. be. deported. if. they fuck. up.
    They want to stay. They want to work. They want to be citizens.

    Of course there are exceptions. Of course this isn't the case across the board- you'll always have assholes & idiots who are just fcukin' around, just here for the opportunities to be criminals and doofuses. But generally speaking these people have a valid point, and watching Congress stonewalling is just sick.

    POLITICS. mmmmm. YUMMY.
    Last edited by Johann; 04-13-2006 at 11:47 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd


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