My favorite Kurosawa is Dreams.
I saw it on the big screen just weeks out of the army in 1996.

"Crows" is mesmerizing.

Scorsese met with A.K. in the late 80's, and Akira called him up some time later and said that he had a problem.
He couldn't stop thinking about Marty, about him as a character, as van Gogh.
Would he consider playing the part?
He replied immediately: "I'll do it".

"The Blizzard" left a huge impression on me.
Imagine it on the big screen. That snow witch/spirit was so haunting and interesting. And when you find out what all of the hard labour had wrought... magic.

The first dream is probably my favorite: "The Peach Orchard". The "foxes", the incredible Japanese soundtrack, and the best thing about it: the hypnotic movements of the colorfully dressed spirits on the dimensioned hillside.

All of the segments are breathtaking to me. They all impressed me and when I first saw it and left the theatre I could not stop thinking about the experience. It's in my top ten forever.

Dreams holds a very high spot on my shelf of movie memories.