1. Saving Private Ryan (Spielberg)
2. Thin Red Line (Malick)
3. Rushmore (Anderson)
4. Flowers of Shanghai (Hsaio-Hsien)
5. John Leguizamo’s Freak (Lee)
6. After Life (Koreeda)
7. Run, Lola Run (Twynker)
8. Eternity and a Day (Angelopoulos)
9. The Big Lebowski (Coen)
10. The Hole (Ming-Liang)

bubbling under were Spike Lee's He Got Game, Steven Soderbergs Out of Sight, and Woody Allen's Celebrity.

Over all the year wasn't nearly as strong as the next year would prove. I was tempted as to whether or not John Leguizamo's performance film Freak actually counted, but hell if The Magic Flute (1975) is a real movie then I suppose this is as well. Although the film was directed by Spike Lee, it is entirely Leguizamo, and no other picture has come close to tapping the amount of talent this man posesses.