I wan't alluding to homosexuality or homophobia per se, but to straight males' concern about issues of masculinity, which my theory is maybe white American males may have more than some other cultures and countries.
The Wikipedia entry on Fight Club is an indication of all the interest in the ideas and there it says
Several individuals in various locations of the United States (and possibly in other countries), ranging from teenagers to people in technical careers, have set up their own fight clubs based on the one mentioned in the novel
but is it in other countries? I'm curious if it is restricted to Anglo-Saxon countries, or whatever. This is my theory, that it's a cultural thing, not universal. But I'm just curious.

Anarcny is always betrayed, isn't it, and has to be as long as the social contract survives? How can you be true to anarchy for long and still exist in the world and in society? Yet playing with anarchy is a way of getting in touch with the primitive parts of you and the frontier experience, gettting closer to the edge.