Yes the tide is definitely turning.

The Democrats know full well what kind of heat's on them to get something tangible done.

And they're doing it. That's all you can ask for.

When you're fighting a steroid-injected elephant like Bush's war machine, you gotta get some serious tranquilizer guns to bring it down.

I really hate his "turning it on them" vibe, the whole "if we pull out terrorists will follow us over here". What a crock of shit.

What an asshole to say that the Dems will cause terror to run rampant if they push for a complete withdrawal.

You're causing the terror YOURSELF. George! Your handling that all by your lonesome!

Fuck, he's really fuckin' oblivious.

He gives the terrorists all the reason they need to attack NOW. He's poured ten billion gallons of gasoline on an already roaring fire.

It's terrible to think that the U.S. is due for a counter-attack.

You keep pushing, George.
You keep needling the middle-east.
You go cowboy!
You don't need to blame anybody for terrorism in the US except YOURSELF.

Body bags sure are permanent.

I was a soldier very briefly.

You better believe I wouldn't want to die for this absolute bullshit. I feel so sorry for those
pawns of the U.S. government known as THE TROOPS. "the FODDER" is more like it.

I have a special kind of rage to direct at Bush.
I have a special kind of contempt for him and Rumsfeld and Cheney and Condi Rice.

Soldiers and former soldiers with a brain know what I'm talking about.

You sign up, you volunteer because you BELIEVE in your country. You want to fight for your home and native land. It's noble, it's something to be proud of. You look at all those veterans from just wars and you're in awe that they stood up and did something, and did it so well- watch band of brothers to see what I'm talking about

And then you see what's happening in Iraq & Afghanistan and that pride goes straight out the tank turret.
That noble vibe is squashed like a grape when you see all of the misguided shit and beaurocratic EVIL swirling around.

They don't know and they don't care.


Because they're SUITS.
They're corporate scum, not custodians of The United States of America.

They are evil ignorant cocksuckers and they should not be tolerated one second more by the people.

They need to be drawn and quartered.
They need a serious strip torn off them.


I wanna puke when I hear that phrase.

I'll give you executive priviledge:

It is my priviledge to tell you how much I hate what you stand for.

It is my priviledge to exercise free speech aimed directly at your pathetic power-hungry pussy hearts.

You got a special type of criminal soul, GEORGE BUSH.

And the judge will be issuing the maximum sentence he can impose, IN DUE TIME