Thanks for the responses guys!

*On TCM, one can vote for any film to be released on dvd. I voted for The Merry Widow. My library doesn't have the film on vhs, but I will continue searching for a copy now that I know it exists.

*The film Sunset Blvd.'s Joe and Norma watch in a screening room is Queen Kelly. Stroheim had a long acting career. One of his favorite roles had to be the aristocratic Captain he plays in Renoir's Grand Illusion. He was fascinated with both the aristocracy and the military, more so because he couldn't join either in real life.

*More Rays and Sauras pending, maybe for early next year.

*Since we discussed Mike Nichols in this thread, it's perhaps appropriate to express what follows here. He's got a new adaptation coming out on Xmas. Lamentably it's George Crile's lighthearted and comedic take on our country's largest covert foreign policy operation. Crile's book was criticized as (perhaps inadvertent) hero worship. It views corrupt politicians in a very sympathetic light. The film makes it worse by casting everyman, Mr. Nice Guy Tom Hanks and America's Sweetheart Julia Roberts in the lead roles. I didn't know anything about this until after I disgustedly watched the trailer for the film and experienced the audience's warm reaction to it. The film (and book) is called Charlie Wilson's War.