So that's it. Year over. Another one bites the dust. And more repertory films are available than ever before. Only you cannot watch them in a theater with an audience of geeks like you (I mean me). You must watch them at home and, if there's no like-minded person around, alone. The repertory event of the year was the release of the early films of the best African-American director, Mr. Charles Burnett. It's been so hard to watch them that some critics are treating Killer of Sheep as if it was a new release, thus eligible for inclusion in Top 10 lists.

I had fun writing about some of the great oldies I watched in 2007, especially when the posts received replies. I wish I could write about several Kenji Mizoguchi masterpieces I finally was able to watch in 2007 but, since watching them required ability to read Spanish or French subtitles (or understand Mandarin) I decided it was not fair to post about The Crucified Lovers, A Woman of Rumor and others.