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Thread: Yo, DJ.....HIT ME!!

  1. #61
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    This Black Flag saga is taking really unpleasant turns. (For me anyway, and probably most die-hard Black Flag fans).

    Greg Ginn is about to release the "new" Black Flag album, named What the...?
    It boasts the most asinine, childish, ridiculously awful album cover art you have ever seen.
    It is seriously cringe-worthy. I'll post an image of that fucked-up cover soon enough- it's on the web now.
    28 years after they released the Magnificent IN MY HEAD, comes "WHAT THE...?"

    And that title is apt. WTF is Greg Ginn smoking? Drop the horrible shake Greg. Find some Northern Lights or Strawberry Kush.
    Your brain is being eaten alive by bad Hermosa beach shake. Was it treated with rat poison? Get some help.

    As Henry Rollins said recently:

    Some of my peers just don't know when to walk away. Like a true Samurai, I sheathed my sword and walked away. I don't need to be 18 again.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  2. #62
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    Lou Reed died yesterday. (1942-2013)

    I didn't like his ego or his assholiness, but Holy Fuck could the man play.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  3. #63
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    This news stuns me.
    I am stunned.
    And in a way I am not.

    I was going to buy the "new" Black Flag album, as "Exhibit A" but it hasn't come out yet. But it is online.
    Next year, maybe?
    Ron Reyes.
    Another betrayal by Greg Ginn. Weeding Out indeed.
    This shit is truly stunning.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  4. #64
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    Thanks Johann for taking notice of Uncle Lou's passing. I became a fan when Walk on the Wild Side was released in '72 and have followed his amazing career ever since. I am proud to say I have seen him live, with that magnificent group he put together with Bob Quine and bassist Fernando Saunders. The Dean's eulogy can be accessed here:

  5. #65
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    Hunter S. Thompson said "We must thank Lou Reed for "WALK ON THE WILD SIDE". He had a good day when he wrote that one." (paraphrase)

    Henry Rollins wrote a moving tribute to Lou, and what he meant to him (and many around the globe).
    Lou was a Genius.
    But he was also an asshole. When he heard Jim Morrison died he asked "What did he die of? IN A BATHTUB??? That's greeeat!"
    He also treated Mo Tucker (his drummer from the Velvets) like shit.
    But the man could play like a house on fire.
    Watch David Bowie (as Ziggy Stardust) do "WHITE LIGHT/WHITE HEAT" on youtube. Best V.U. cover ever laid down, Man...

    And as for Greg Ginn, this guy is one vicious, nihilistic, cowardly, destructive piece of shit.
    Who happens to be a musical genius.
    Henry Rollins knew not to go near Greg Ginn ever again. He knew the real M.O.

    Poor Ron Reyes. I now see that Greg had planned to "get him back" for publicly quitting the band way back in the day.
    Ron fell for it. HOOK. LINE. SINKER.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  6. #66
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    I seriously don't know what to do with my Black Flag records now.
    My disgust with Greg Ginn is extreme right now.
    The music seems like a lie, and yet it isn' that fucked up or what? LOL
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  7. #67
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    Greg Ginn said once upon a time: "Our music is a personal thing. We are not authority figures"
    Don't you mean YOUR music is a personal thing Greg?
    Every single person who was "in" Black Flag did your bidding until they were "vibed out".

    In "SPRAY PAINT THE WALLS" by Stevie Chick (best history of the band to ever see print- yes, better than GET IN THE VAN) it is mentioned that when Chuck Dukowski was "vibed out" the whole scene was shocked, because Chuck was in the "inner-inner-inner" circle of Black Flag.
    But there was no "inner circle"- there was only Greg Ginn.

    Let me save you a lot of time if you are interested in Black Flag:

    Buy the records. Listen to them. A Lot. (because hey, they do sound more and more awesome with each passing year- a Kubrickian quality I love). You've never heard such awesome hardcore punk carnage on tape. OK, maybe the Stooges.
    Be fascinated by the "100-Megaton Blast" these dudes from the South Bay unleashed. It is unmatched.
    Just know that the man with the lucite Armstrong guitar is not the center of the Universe.
    The other players on the records contributed just as much if not more than Greg Ginn.
    Granted, without that atonal monster riffage, it's not HEAVY, but Son, let me tell ya, when a man only uses you as a tool for his narcissism and will drop you like a bad habit out of sheer personality deficit disorder, the MAN outweighs the MUSIC. And Greg Ginn is not a man to me.
    You will see that if are really paying attention.
    Greg has alienated everyone in the punk world.
    He's a lone wolf, a user, an abuser, who manouevers in shifty and shady ways, ways that are hard to see until it's too late.
    Great that you were "against the man" Greg, but you have BECOME the man.
    You always were Big Brotha, weren't you? Who defends you with anything other than "respect for his skills on guitar"?

    I haven't met anyone yet. Henry Rollins dealt with Greg appropriately with his RISE ABOVE (WM3 benefit album).
    That album is actually the real Black Flag.
    And Greg Ginn doesn't play a note on it.

    Henry, you are a quick study on dealing with Fuckery.
    Love you man. THE END OF SILENCE INDEED...........
    Last edited by Johann; 12-23-2013 at 08:53 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  8. #68
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    I have read and re-read John Densmore's powerful book THE DOORS: Unhinged and I openly wept reading it.

    "He (JIM) was the Soul of the band, and I want to honor my Ancestor" is the quote that sums up the whole sordid saga described in the book.
    John Densmore has an integrity that is very hard to maintain in todays world.
    Read that book if you want the full skinny on corporate greed, the "greed gene" and how low some people will stoop. (RAY!)

    My respect for Ray Manzarek virtually vanished when I read how he's been treating the Doors legacy.
    It is stunning what he did, what he did to the Legacy of the band he helped found, and the rape of Jim Morrison he engaged in.
    Oliver Stone wasn't even allowed to use the Doors logo for his movie, that's how protective John was over the logo.
    He had to sue his former bandmates when they refused to alter the lettering and font of the Doors name for concerts they did as "the Doors of the 21st Century" And he won the lawsuit. Ray tried to destroy John financially, suing him for $40 million for turning down an ad for Cadillac.
    Cadillac offered the Doors $15 million to use "Break on Through" to sell those Escalade battleship cars.
    John vetoed it, remembering the debacle that was Buick in the sixties, offering $70,000 to use "Light My Fire" to sell the Buick Opel.

    Buy that book. Be stunned. And be proud that the drummer of the Doors stood up for his own music and his "ancestor" Jim, who is implacable.
    No one else did/does.
    Last edited by Johann; 12-23-2013 at 08:51 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  9. #69
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    Something really eerie but very cool: When John Densmore signed my copy of his new book I didn't realize that he had signed it almost exactly as I sign my own name. He doesn't know this, (unless he's psychic) but the way he signed my first name is pretty much EXACTLY the way I sign it, if I use only my first name. The "J" was exactly as I do it- the same loop and flourish. And the other letters are the same too. The "N" trails off just like I do as well.
    The "J" on his name has the same flourish. Weird, Man...
    I was also on the CityTV news broadcast that marked John's appearance at the record store to sign his book.
    It was only 1 minute, (and I taped it on VHS off the tube) but I was able to tell that John signed everybody's books differently- each person had a different size of signature or different personalization, and it seemed to stem from his impressions of the person he was signing it to.
    There were a lot of non-Doors fans there, just hawkers of Doors merch who will flip it on eBay or whatever.
    John knew it too.
    In the CityTV clip his reaction to one signing was to "nod and smile" with a look in his eye like "I know you're not a fan...take your stuff"
    I always smile when I see that part.
    One guy even tried to get me to take some of his items up to John to sign: "I'm overloaded, man!"
    I said "NO".
    All I had was an L.A. Woman CD and John's book.
    I wasn't gonna get a Legend that I respect the Holy Hell out of sign some dipshits' merchandise that he'll sell to the highest bidder....
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  10. #70
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    Henry Rollins is starring in his first Lead Role, in a film that just wrapped shooting in Toronto: HE NEVER DIED.

    It's directed by indie director Jason Krawczyk, and Henry plays a cannibal named "Jack".
    I'm pretty stoked to see it. I think Henry is a better actor than most in Hollywood, yet he's only been offered bit parts, most notably to me in David Lynch's Lost Highway.

    Can't wait to check it out. I hope you do too.
    Support the Man. He's done more in his life than you and me combined.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  11. #71
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    I recommend Joey Ramone's "Merry Christmas (I Don't want To Fight)" for this time of year...
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  12. #72
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    My favorite Christmas song.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  13. #73
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    The Black Flag saga is still gaining more fucked up steam.

    Their new bassist, a clown named Dave Klein, has left the band. Their new drummer is also a nobody that nobody has ever heard of.
    Ron Reyes departure was explained by Mike Valelly, the new singer. He said Ron was becoming combative, and he and Greg wanted to prevent Ron from quitting onstage *again*. RIGHT.

    I say bullshit to that. I say that Greg Ginn wanted to get Ron back for quitting publically onstage back in 1979.
    Greg Ginn should just pack it in. It's Over Greg. Your Glory Days are long GONE. *pun intended*
    No Black Flag fan wants to hear a "new" Black Flag record.
    And that's because it isn't Black Flag. It's not even a "reasonable facsimile" of what you once were.
    It's a colossal joke, and it's profoundly NOT FUNNY.

    Chuck Dukowski is Black Flag to me.
    Dez Cadena is Black Flag to me.
    Keith Morris is Black Flag to me.
    Henry Rollins is Black Flag to me.
    Bill Stevenson is Black Flag to me.
    Kira Roessler is Black Flag to me.

    Any other "members" are not acknowledged to me now- former or current.

    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  14. #74
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    The drummer for THE STOOGES died last Saturday.
    Scott Asheton was the PowerHouse man behind the Stooges' drumkit. He was 64.

    I had the incredible Honor of seeing The Stooges play Live in Toronto in 2010. It was incredible. They shut down Yonge street- first time in the city's history that a concert shut down Yonge. I'll take that show (among others I saw in T.O.) to the grave. Iggy was amazing and the band was amazing, which included James Williamson and Mike Watt of the Minutemen.

    Another Icon of Rock is gone.
    Goodbye Scott. Your records tower over everyone else. True punk rock fans know that the Stooges are Invincible.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  15. #75
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    Scott Asheton's favorite quote was from Charles Bukowski:

    What matters most is how well you walk through the Fire
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

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