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Thread: Star Trek (2009) by J. J. Abrams

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  1. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Carolina
    As the storyteller, I have one for 2001....

    It premiered at the Cinestage in Chicago in 70mm with "Reserved seating only!" So my cousin and I reserved some seats and made a date to see this film. It was August 1968 in Chicago... ring any bells yet?

    We got off the "El" train (nicknamed for being elevated) from Oak Park to downtown (back then they bragged, "downtown is only nine minutes away!" Ha! More like ninety!) So we met some of my cousin's friends. They had tickets, too. We started up this street when this truck pulled up and about two dozen soldiers got out. Some had machine guns. They told us that the street was being blocked off. So we backtracked and made our way to the cinema from a different route. We noticed increased street traffic and pedestrians for a weekday.

    The film in 70mm was just the most outstanding film experience I ever had... at least of what I can remember from the first showing. You see, we were all very stoned at the time. I did see it several times after that, but on this first occassion we were all very toasty. When the film ended, we went to the front of the theater to leave and they had the doors chained shut! Outside on the sidewalk we could see soldiers with guns that had bayonets on them. The street was packed with young people, long hair, blue jeans, they were marching up the street. They were also waving an enormous flag.

    "What country is that?" I asked one of the people next to us.

    "North Vietnam," someone commented.

    They herded us out the back of the theater. I practically ran over Roger Mudd who was standing on a street corner shooting material for a report on CBS. We decided to stay downtown as what was happening around us seemed more interesting than the film.

    Of course later that night...

    "The whole world is watching... the whole world is watching... the world is watching..." in Grant Park.

    I was there. My cousin and I barely escaped. We did not go to jail that night.... a night burned in my memory forever. Yes, I love 2001. I believe it is the greatest science fiction film of all time. But oh the baggage I carry with that day.
    Last edited by cinemabon; 05-31-2009 at 02:48 PM.
    Colige suspectos semper habitos


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