I'm curious to see if anyone knows more about upcoming projects for some of my favorite writers / directors:

Spike Jonze ("Being John Malkovich") - I think he's working on another film with Charlie Kaufman, the writer of "Malkovich". I'm sure it will be just as "wacked out" as the first.

David O. Russell ("Three Kings", "Flirting with Disaster") - I've heard nothing about new projects for him. "Three Kings" was a great movie, and I'd really like to see where he goes from here.

Alexander Payne ("Election") - I think's he responsible for the movie "About Schmidt", starring Jack Nicholson. It ran at Cannes this year, I believe, and should be released in the States this year. I'm looking forward to it. I appreciate Payne's rather dry, straightforward storytelling style.

Wes Anderson ("The Royal Tenenbaums") - Any word on a follow-up project to "Tenenbaums"? Again, interesting to see where he goes from here.

Micheal Bay ("Pearl Harbor") - Just Kidding! I don't care what's he working on right now, I'm sure it'll be mediocre.

Anyone heard anything?