A circular argument at best when one comes to argue about the validity of box office receipts and then ends up stating that AVATAR has made more money than any other movie as a concluding statement. The fact that AVATAR has made more money than any other movie considering all the variables involved still isn't very meaningful statement as regards the movie itself...

While I have rated AVATAR an 8 on a 10 point scale, as a fascinating and visually delightful movie, nevertheless, Marshall McLuhan's the "Medium is the Message," where the 3-D and the visual effects become the popular, Disneyland entertainment of the current fashion, the world's LSD trip...where a passing technical breakgrhough is sought over substance, the collision of mental thought and emtions for primitive sensory delights...we find ourselves in the sci fi world of Fahrenheit 451 (1966) looking at wall screens that offer only a mirage of substance over an illusion of brilliant intellectual stimlution while books are banned and burned.