Stephen Harper is such a soulless cocksucker that the only thing he could say about Jack's passing was that he fought cancer with everything he had.
No shit, Sherlock?
You don't even have it in you to say that you respected him?
At the very least?
Holy Fuck.
Is it because you didn't respect him?

I listen to what people DON'T say just as much as what they do.
And Harper is thinly veiling his celebration at having a major political opponent out of his way.
Trust me.
I know how Harper thinks.
He's a soulless freak who needs to be put down like a dog.
God took the wrong politician.
He got a memo from Bev Oda- it said Harper is a cancer, but she changed it to Layton HAS cancer.
God took it literally.

You OWE US, LORD........