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Thread: Stephen Harper is Delusional

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  1. #1
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    I have a "special edition" issue of Maclean's magazine that is all about Stephen Harper and his M.O.
    The issue is called "What you don't know about Stephen Harper"
    I wish I could hand out every copy to every Canadian.

    What does it say about him in it?
    It says that he was "this close" to giving up power when Stephane Dion was heading a coalition to defeat Harper's minority a couple years ago.
    The article has insiders who were in the room with Harper saying that he said "Let them take power. It will fall apart. It will never work for Dion. We can pick up the pieces in the next election, come out stronger than ever".
    Harper's top aide said "I'm not so sure- they could make this thing work. Your position as party leader could be compromised"
    Harper wasn't so sure.
    But we know what he did, don't we? He plowed ahead into an election and won another minority.
    Harper has learned to USE elections to his advantage. He's even learned when to have one when he wants!
    Like Right Now, for instance!

    Have we ever seen attack ads like the ones Harper concocted for months leading up to the election?
    I mean, he really SMEARED Ignatieff! Those ads stick in peoples' minds. They stick in mine! and I know it's all lies!
    How diabolical is that?
    Just imagine the ingrained impression it creates in a voter who doesn't follow politics!
    The very folks who Harper wants as his minions. He all but guarantees those oblivious voters will check "conservative" at the polls.
    It enrages me. It's total political tactics- no substance behind it.

    But I guess it makes the political arena a wee bit more exciting than if we had no attack ads, right?
    I mean, politics is fucking BORING, Mang.
    Last edited by Johann; 10-09-2015 at 02:03 PM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  2. #2
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    FINALLY Harper was asked today about his government falling on contempt charges!
    By a regular citizen to boot.

    It's a freakin' miracle!

    But of course, he avoided the question like a rented snake.
    He was asked "Doesn't this controlling of who comes to your rallies re-affirm for Canadians that you are too controlling, which is why your government fell on contempt charges?"

    Harper replied "I think Canadians are more interested in the economy and creating jobs".
    Isn't that amazing? That's how slimy a politician can be folks..

    I'm Not more interested in the economy Steve.
    I'M NOT. The economy will always be there. It ain't going anywhere.
    But You?
    You Sir, are going to the funny farm. Where you fuckin' belong.
    I've noticed that Harper answers questions 95% of the time by starting with "In terms of..."
    He LOVES that phrase "IN TERMS OF..."

    How about I use it?

    In terms of LEADING, Mr. Harper you've failed miserably.
    In terms of HONESTY and INTEGRITY, Mr. Harper you've failed with flying colors. Failed Spectacularly.
    In terms of personality, yours is a cross between a wooden plank and a soaking wet cat.
    In terms of having a clue, you're about 10 million units in the red.
    In terms of contempt for Canada you're the King. Untouchable for contempt. Numero UNO!
    In terms of sheer assholiness you win every single time, no matter who is in front of you, in back of you or in another province. YOU WIN.

    In terms of Canada needing a new government, IT'S FIVE YEARS OVERDUE.
    Last edited by Johann; 07-19-2011 at 11:04 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  3. #3
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    Our beloved Rex Murphy has been following this election, and the "scrapbook" of photographic memories he presented on The National a couple days ago was hilarious. It showed just what kind of bang for our $300 million election buck we Canadians are getting. It was great.

    Mike Ignatieff eating a hot dog.
    Stephen Harper and his wife Skeletor wearing giant black bowling ball helmets while riding their all-terrain buggies.
    (Proof Rex says that Canadians want to keep Harper indoors and behind a desk as much as possible- he looked positively goofy in that helmet).
    Jack Layton intently gazing at a bag of oranges in a supermarket. Yep- AWESOME snaps those photogs are getting of the Leaders in campaign mode! It's utterly astounding how wretched Ignatieff looks gulping down a frankfurter.
    Positively ghastly seeing Harper's wife dance with some Bollywood dancers and jaw-droppingly weird to have Harper sing John Lennon's "Imagine" out of tune to a 12-year-old girl at a small piano. As some writer in the Citizen put it: There's a reason Ringo was given "With a Little Help From My Friends". Because any dolt can sing it. That's why Harper looked great torturing that Beatles ditty. ANYONE can sing that one. But "Imagine"??? Lennon would be spinning in his grave! Especially being sung by HARPER. Wow does that take the wind right out of your sails. It was vomit-inducing.

    We just had bombshell news that Harper's government did something VERY illegal with regards to the G8 funding. Apparently Harper's government tricked Parliament into giving them millions & millions for the summit and then divvied up the money any way they saw fit.
    Which sounds very TRUE to me...
    All opposition party Leaders are demanding on the stump today that Harper release the report/documents that the Auditor General filed.
    BEFORE the debate, tomorrow night.,
    They want it now. And I don't blame 'em.
    That is even more proof of contempt from Harper! and if he doesn't supply them with that report, he's in even more contempt!
    It just goes on and on with these Conservative Clowns!

    Those debates Tuesday night will MAKE the election.
    This is where Canadians really tune in...

    It should be illegal for a man to run for Prime Minister whose government was found in contempt of Parliament. That should BAR YOUR ASS from politics.
    But no, we gotta witness the sad spectacle of Stephen Harper hoping to Holy Hell the electorate doesn't catch on to what he's done.
    Last edited by Johann; 04-14-2011 at 11:41 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  4. #4
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    Todays Ottawa Sun has a letter from the "Editor" (-do they even have one?- must be Harper himself!) that says that they have a copy of the "leaked" Auditor General's report and that it contains no scandals.

    HA HA HA.
    HO HO HO.

    Just who exactly has this document? How did it get out to so many outlets, especially an Anti-Liberal rag like the Sun?
    For such tightly controlled information, it sure gets around!
    And for the record, SUN MEDIA, it does indeed contain a confirmation that the Harper government illegally procured $50 million.

    This is yet one more reason on a long scoresheet of reasons why Harper cannot in any way be trusted.
    I'm so stoked for the debates tonight you can't believe it.
    Harper will try with everything in his tiny power to make the evening seem boring, make it seem devoid of intense exchanges.
    Please watch the debates, my friends.
    Scrutinize every word and body language cue.
    Then you'll know who to vote for.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  5. #5
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    I watched both Leaders debates (back to back, English & French) and I must say it was immensely disappointing.

    Although all three opposition Leaders hammered Harper on his record, they yet again underestimated his ability to lie and get away with it.
    A friend of mine told me she thought that there should've been a lie counter, just a digital counter on the screen to tick away at every lie that was coming from Harper. She even wanted a moderator who could super-fact-check, within seconds of something being said. I like that idea.
    Stop a liar dead in his tracks...

    I took a photo of the exterior scrum at Rideau Hall where the debates took place, a short walk from my place.
    I asked a guy who was holding a big Harper sign: "Why do you support Harper?"
    He replied "Because he has the same values as I do: GET TOUGH ON CRIME!"
    I said "Everybody wants government to be tough on crime. That's it? That's all? How about his fucking lies???"
    The guy just looked at me and said "WHAT lies??"
    I just looked at him and said "You're beyond help, Pal" and walked away, disgusted yet again by ignorant Canadians.

    It doesn't even REGISTER with voters that Harper lies every single time he opens his mouth.
    Doesn't. even. Register.

    Nope, no knockout punches from any party leader in those debates.
    All that exercise did was solidify the opinions of those who already follow the game.
    Only Jack Layton may have won some new votes.

    Gilles Duceppès tomahawk missile of a stinging rebuke of Harper to open the debate was awesome Tuesday night:
    I want to thank Mr. Harper for finally taking a question from a member of the public for the first time in this campaign.
    Harper was a sour-puss through the whole debate process. His face often looked like a can of smashed assholes, puckered and contemptuous, just like his soul.
    That's one thing I like about the debates- Harper has to face the fucking music while in them. It's the only time in the government where the Leaders are truly having their feet held to the fire.
    All 3 opposition Leaders hammered Harper on his ignorance of democracy and wasteful spending of public money, all the while claiming extravagant victories on many empty fronts. It was very beautiful to see Harpers' pursed lips quivering- yep, his lips quivered a couple times- I noticed him actually shaking on 2 occasions- his shoulders. And his voice broke 3 separate times. How come no other news media outlet noticed this?
    I saw it plain as day. Harper was a Nervous Nelly!
    The only thing that commentators on the debates said that made any sense to me is that Harper may have won "Just by Surviving".

    It's Really Sad Shit, Folks.

    After these lacklustre debates I have little desire to comment on this election anymore.
    Something gargantuan has to happen to alter what I think will be another Harper minority government.
    Because Canadians would rather have a liar for Prime Minister than give a shit about politics.
    I'll tell you this, though:
    If Harper wins a Majority Government, I'm moving to Quebec.
    I'll bail so fast you can't say "Poutine".
    Last edited by Johann; 04-14-2011 at 11:35 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  6. #6
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    The National was excellent last night (as usual) and they obtained documents that explained the "serious allegations" that Helena Guergis was accused of.

    How did they get the documents? From Helena Herself after she requested them through "Access To Information".
    And lo and behold, THERE IS NO PROOF, no evidence of criminal behavior, NOTHING. It was all a sham.

    Stephen Harper was asked about it today, and he lied again. Who knew?!
    He said that it was the Conservative caucus that didn't want Guergis anymore.
    What a crock of steaming horseshit.
    So the Conservative caucus WANTS Bev Oda to stay???
    Explain that one shithead. That's right, you can't.
    If the Prime Minister wants someone to stay or someone to go, IT HAPPENS.
    It all depends on whether or not you are helping him with his agenda or not.
    Not helping? Bye Bye Bitch.
    Helping? You get a lifeline, Sweetie.

    The opposition parties should be taking out MASSIVE ATTACK ads with the soundbite of Harper's response to the question today.
    Rip him to fucking shreds for lying and being undemocratic!
    Do It.
    Put out ads that show that Stephen Harper has no ability to apologize unless it wins him political points (see the apology to Native Americans).
    Put out ads that rip his nuts off with a rusty fuckin' fork.
    Have NO MERCY.
    He certainly doesn't.
    Harper doesn't hesitate to smear someone- even without a shred of proof!
    That ain't a Leader you want anywhere NEAR government. That is a dangerous and slimy person.

    I'm still beyond baffled that Canadians could support such a serial liar and false-promises clown.

    I think their brains were zapped by that thing in Men in Black that wipes your brain clean.
    How do you turn a blind eye to such collossal lying and conniving?
    Is it Harper's hair?
    Does his helmet of hair make you drool and salivate?
    Do you look at that coiffed catastrophe that sits on his head and forget everything that comes out of his mouth?
    I'm curious.
    Does his hair hypnotize you when you see Harper on your TV screen?
    Does the sight of that grey/white mop on his head distract you from hearing and processing the words that fly out of his mouth?
    Help me out here.
    I just don't understand how someone can ignore or discount the GIANT LIES this man has laid on us as a Nation.

    Someone. Anyone.
    Tell me how people want to suck Harper's dick and give him another chance.
    Tell me.
    And it better be GOOD.
    You'd better have some stank or some TEETH in your response.
    Something that can SHUT ME UP and nod my head in agreement with you.
    Something with SUBSTANCE, Chachi.

    I'm ready to wait until May 1st to get a reply....
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  7. #7
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    Even though it seems like a foregone conclusion what will happen on May 2, I'm very curious to see how this election plays out.
    Jack Layton has been stealing everybody's thunder as of late. There's a rumour that he's stolen a lot of seats in Quebec- from the Bloc!

    Mr. Liar (I mean Mr. Harper) needs 12 seats to get a majority.
    The way things look, that will NEVER happen.
    If the NDP are stealing seats left and right in ridings across the country, then a majority is a pipe dream for the conservatives.
    Harper was almost crying in the debates when he said "Canadians will decide, and I really hope it's a majority..."
    He was pleading with the ether to get a majority, but his lies and total folly have given up that ghost.

    Harper has a Masters in Economics.
    How the fuck does a guy with a Masters degree in Economics plunge a Nation $70 Billion in debt?
    Answer me that.

    The Liberal party got a giant boost on Saturday when former Liberal Leader/Prime Minister Paul Martin spoke with Ujjal Dosanj (a Champion in the history of health care in this country) at a Liberal press scrum.
    He laid it out like a banquet of truth:
    Stephen Harper has brought health care to it's knees. He is on record as saying he hates the Health Act. The health care system was nearing the tipping point when the Liberals were in power and they made huge advances to work with the provinces to balance all of the problems, like wait times, etc.
    Then Harper gets in there and ignores all of those advances.
    He hasn't done a single thing on health care in 5 years. Not one single fucking thing!
    He believes that health care is the provinces' problem.

    Harper said he'd eliminate wait times at hospitals.
    We know how that went: NOWHERE.
    We wait longer now than we've ever had to get medical help. Harper just doesn't care.
    AT ALL.
    The Liberals started to kill the deficit in 1995, and every single year the deficit went down. The whole country got excited about killing the deficit.
    The Liberals were up front and honest about all cuts they were making to kill the deficit- they told Canadians exactly where we were, how much we owed, and how it was being paid off. In 8 years the deficit was GONE! They balanced the books! And then they said they'd start putting money into health care with the surpluses.
    Then Harper got into power.
    He ignored every single thing that the Liberal party did to make Canada stronger. He basically turned the ship around, all the while having serious contempt while at the wheel.
    What happened?
    Well, today we have a serious deficit- the biggest we've ever had, and it's 100% the Harper Regime's fault.

    No one to blame but the PMO. No one else can take credit.

    Harper has stopped using "In terms of.." whenever he opens his yap. Maybe he read my post? :)
    Now he uses "Let's be clear...." He's switched his line!
    I loved it when Jack Layton slammed him in the debates on an outright lie. Jack said "I beg your pardon??? I think you'd better read your own press releases!"

    The way Harper lied about the coalition in 2004 was astounding. He said "I wasn't trying to bring the Martin government down".
    Well what the fuck were you trying to do then???????
    What were you doing in a Delta hotel room, signing a coalition agreement with the NDP and the Bloc?
    Enjoying room service and a pay-per-view porno with your political opponents?
    Gimme a fuckin' break!
    Harper lied so many times in the debates I think he set the all-time record for lying by a Federal Politician.
    He re-inforced the "dishonest politician" tag by a trillion.

    I hope he's relegated to the dustbin in this election.
    The George W. Bush fearmongering is so fucking old now.
    coalition fears...economic recovery fears....fear of democracy...the list is endless.
    Nothing positive about Stephen Harper.
    He has no humanity, no clue and no right to be in government anymore.
    He blew his chance to Kingdom Come.
    And when he said in the debates that the Speaker of the House DID NOT find him in contempt....WOW. Just WOW.
    How's that for a WHOPPER?
    Holy Shit.
    If the Speaker didn't find you in contempt (twice) then who the fuck was it?

    Fuck I hope he's run out of town on a rail.....
    Last edited by Johann; 04-18-2011 at 10:41 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  8. #8
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    LET'S BE CLEAR: Harper has a long history of lying right to our faces:
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  9. #9
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    Note to Official Opposition Leader Thomas Mulcair:

    You are AWESOME Sir. Keep up the fantastic work. The NDP are doing this country VERY PROUD.

    (And keep me in mind for the Order of Canada someday after you win 24 Sussex Drive, will ya? :)
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  10. #10
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    HO HO HO

    Pamela Wallin, a Conservative Senator, isn't Conservative at all.
    This bitch has claimed nearly half-a-million dollars in expenses in the last two years, auditor Deloitte & Touche has revealed today to CTV News.
    Flights (FIRST-CLASS!) to Saskatchewan. Outrageous meal claims, limosines, housing claims, clothing claims, the whole gamut.

    $330,000 alone in travel claims! How do you like this information, mr. and mrs.TAXPAYER?

    I want her fucking HEAD.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  11. #11
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    Harper is in massive damage control mode right now.
    The media is ALL OVER Pamela Wallin's expense claims, and Steve is rushing to her defence.
    But there is nothing to defend.
    Wallin is a rich cunt who has got her rich snout in the taxpayers' trough, just like EVERY SINGLE TORY.

    The cloak is off.
    These are just Fleecers. Period. Full Stop.

    Peter MacKay still has a job. Who knew? He's been lying REAL LOW these days. He's got a baby on the way. Great. Another fleecer will be born soon.
    Dean del Mastro has also dropped off the radar. Wherefore Art Thou, Guido?
    John Baird declared in the House yesterday that he is a zombie, and he won't apologize for it. He's PROUD OF IT. Yay.

    I mean, how fucking SAD SACK is this lame-duck Tory government?
    You can't even calculate it.
    Last edited by Johann; 02-14-2013 at 07:46 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  12. #12
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    What's it like being in a country that calls its right wingers Tories, Johann? Any better than calling them Republicans?

    (Of course Lincoln was a Republican. Something happened. And then something else happened and now there is no difference.)

    Another fleecer will be born soon.
    That brought a smile. Not as funny for you though.

    Just a note to say I'm perusing your comments in this section; I rarely have anything to say since we get not a tiny word about Canadian plitics down here, as you doubtless well know.

  13. #13
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    No problem. You have no frame of reference for Canadian politics, so I apologize for that, but hopefully you get the gist of the situation.
    It's pretty dire.
    I mean, it has angered me for years to just watch this Hindenburg of a government destroy Canada.
    I predicted it would happen on this website BEFORE Harper became Prime Minister.
    My prophesies don't mean Jack, I guess. LOL

    We still got 2 years of disasters and scandals to look forward to.
    It seems like I've only got negative stuff to say about Tories.
    I do.
    What a stupid party slang name isn't it?- The Liberals are the "Grits"- even more stupid.
    I have nothing positive to say about Harper or this Conservative government.
    They have no clue how to manage the country. NO CLUE.
    I don't either, but I could probably do a far better job.
    The New Democrats are inching toward fulfilling Late Leader Jack Layton's goal of forming a Government.
    I can't wait to vote in 2015.
    If the Governor General had his druthers, he would keep an eye on Harper for Treason.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  14. #14
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    I hope there there is a real difference between the two parties, unlike here. Otherwise you are well and truly screwed.

  15. #15
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    The Liberal Leadership race is over. Marc Garneau has dropped out, saying it's mathematically impossible for him to beat Justin Trudeau.
    The Liberals are the third party, and I don't give a shit whether they might win the next election or not.
    The talk is about an "inevitable" Liberal/NDP merger that will be needed to defeat the Tories in 2015.
    With the news that Jack Layton may have been poisoned, I think we have Pure Evil for a Government and will for a long fucking time.
    Canadians don't care.
    They are not interested, it seems, and they seem quite happy with a fucking slimeball criminal for PM.
    They don't mind that he's in bed with shitheads and fleecers. They don't mind that he's sold Canada out to China in a LARGE WAY.
    They just don't care.
    So I don't either.

    I don't see much more point in writing about Herr Harper anymore.
    He's our insane Fuhrer, and Canadians love him to death.
    What can you do?
    You can say "Fuck It, Not Worth My Precious Time Anymore", and that's me. Today.
    Last edited by Johann; 03-14-2013 at 10:05 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

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