So a bogus 2-billion dollar surplus and WAYNE GRETZKY are Harper's "surprises" and "rabbits" in this election.
Who can be against The Great One?
Johann can be against the Pete Rose of hockey, that's who.

Wayne can't even vote in Canada- he lives in Arizona year-round. Harper's own law prevents Wayne-er from voting, and Harper spoke for Wayne by saying that Wayne has never opposed that law. Why would he? It doesn't matter to Wayne- he's a Corporation HIMSELF!!!
Harper makes Wayne richer every day.
Wayne is a traitor to Canada. Ever since that trade to the L.A. Kings in 1988 he's been a traitor. (And remember it was WAYNE'S CHOICE to go to L.A., not Peter Pocklington's!!)

I think Wayne's been to Canada all of 9 times in 25 years. And it was only to open a Gretzky's restaurant in Toronto (which he doesn't even own anymore- WTF is that about?) and have a street named after him in Edmonton.
Wayne Gretzky is about as Canadian as Donald Trump. Word.

Sorry hockey fans, but Gretzky sucks huge. Always did. When I think of Wayne Gretzky all I can think of is that McDonald's commericial he did years ago where he's holding the "Crispy Chicken Deluxe" sandwich like it's money in the bank. Because it was.
Bet on any NHL games recently, Wayne?
You're gonna lose on your bet on Harper.