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Thread: Stephen Harper is Delusional

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  1. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    I'm in Gonzo mode for covering this election. Exciting. :)

    Polls say that the Conservatives are ahead in the polls and I believe it. The paper today says that Harper has got the wind at his back.
    Which means he could be handed a minority government ONCE MORE.
    I think that's VERY possible.

    But here's the rub:

    Canadians know that this election will cost in excess of $300 million dollars to mount.
    So We, the Voters are faced with some responsibility for that money.
    Not one party leader has hit the road yet and we know that 300 million is the pricetag with just the campaign busses idling near Capital Hill.
    It cost the same amount for the last election. (approximately). For the exact same result.
    Are we gonna toss 300 million in a trash can and set it on fire just to have the same clown perform the same sad tricks until he's found in contempt again?
    So we have a bit of deja vu here, and Harper knows it all too well.
    He's banking on Canadians being as ignorant of his foul-ups as they were for the last election and vote him in again.
    He's going to hammer us with a message of triumphs in this budget.
    But if Canadians actually paid attention to this shit, they would be royally offended that Harper will not tell us how much his prisons will cost, how much his jets will cost and why he chose to give giant tax breaks to corporations and banks all the while leaving Seniors and children completely abandoned. Mere crumbs he threw to them/us.
    Don't believe me?
    Look it up!
    There is Jack Shit in that budget for Real Canadians and all kinds of goodies for rich fucks.
    Look it up.
    I wouldn't wipe my ass with the paper in that budget. It's appalling and disgraceful.
    The contempt Harper has for opposition parties is one thing (he wants the Liberal party to be extinct- he said it behind closed doors), but contempt for the very people who voted him in is beyond "unacceptable"
    It's deplorable.
    He talks the talk about helping Canadians, but when the rubber hits the road, there really isn't anything there once you start to scutinize what is actually before us.

    I've noticed that Canadians by and large do not pay as much attention to politics as much as our neighbors to the South.
    We don't rock the boat too much on that front. If we get it in our heads that the Prime Minister seems to be doing a good job, we let it be.
    But the steady stream of outright lies and deceptions and contempt for democracy is so fucking glaring here that I don't know how any Canadian can turn a blind eye to it.

    I'm actually OK with the Conservatives winning another minority government and I'll tell you why.

    Because the next contempt charge will be a fucking DOOZY.
    And it will happen. Mark my words. This Conservative government never changes it's ways.
    And it will be it's eventual undoing.
    If not this election, it will the next one.
    If it takes several elections and a billion dollars down the tubes for Canadians to get it, then so be it.
    It took the States 8 years to realize that George W. Bush was a Fuckhead.
    If it takes us 8 years to realize that same thing about Harper, I'm cool with that.

    You could save a lot of time and money and grief by turfing that contemptuous dictator RIGHT NOW.
    Last edited by Johann; 03-25-2011 at 10:38 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd


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