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Thread: Stephen Harper is Delusional

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  1. #1
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    Ottawa Canada
    A message for Stephen Harper, who refuses to debate Jack Layton. Today Harper announced he wants a one-on-one debate with Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff.
    That's because Jack Layton will shred him on a stage in a Live debate.
    Jack will annihilate him with Hard Questions that Harper will squirm to answer.
    (not "Squirmish", as The Daily Show so hilariously showed us. That Sarah Palin...what a cad!...)
    Harper wants to debate Iggy one-on-one. It's a purely political manouever.
    It tells the electorate that there are only two choices for Prime Minister. (and it reveals that Harper knows that Ignatieff propped him up on over 100 votes..)
    More contempt from Harper! WHO KNEW?!
    Jack Layton is running for Prime Minister. He's the only one who will truly defeat the Conservatives across the country, riding after riding.
    Watch cpac my fellow Canadians!
    watch each Leader speak on the campaign trail and run what they say through your truth machine.
    What you'll find is that all three opposition Leaders say Harper is a LIAR. A false-promises idiot who sneers at everyone in his orbit.
    Gilles Duceppe, believe it or not, is astonishingly honest for a politician.
    With every sentence he's uttered so far in this campaign I've nodded my head in agreement or shouted "HELL FUCKIN' YEAH!" at my TV when he says something.
    Beware the Bloc backlash, HARPER. It's gonna sink it's fangs into your oily hide.....

    Here's a message for that unlovable liar and sideshow, Stephen Harper, from Chuck D. of Public Enemy:

    Ain't that how God planned it?

    Yes, I might as well say, that while many people would not want who they are voting for to be made public, I totally respect that and would never knock that. Especially so early in an election campaign for Prime Minister of Canada.
    However I can tell you (as is my choice) that I will be voting for the New Democrats.

    The dealbreaker for me was the Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff propping up the Harper regime for so long and for that horrendous vote to extend the Afghan mission. DEALBREAKER, MIKE.

    I have had zero reason to believe that Jack Layton has ever lied to me, you, or any Canadian. He wouldn't have lasted so damn long on the Hill if he didn't have integrity and the total trust of many in the House of Commons.
    I want to see that debate between Jack and Steve so damn bad you can't sweet Holy Hamburgers believe it.
    Jack will shred the former Prime Minister on his record and his lies and his outrageous regime's destruction.

    Harper wanted to de-regulate the banks.
    Remember that?
    Had he suceeded, we would have suffered a worse fate than the U.S. during the economic crisis.
    Harper likes to frequently remind us/beat us over the head with this notion that he was the one who led us through the recession so well.
    Well I hate to burst his ego and his balloon, but the economy did well despite his government, not because of it.
    Canadians are plucky. Handy. Hands-on.
    Harper isn't. Harper doesn't. Harper only dictates his orders.
    Jack Layton has the debating chops to make mincemeat out of this liar and false-promises warlord.
    I hope Canadians are paying attention...

    Notice I didn't say "Warlock".. just a joke...:)
    Last edited by Johann; 03-31-2011 at 01:22 PM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  2. #2
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    Where are we at, 11 days into the election?

    Well my man Jack Layton just keeps looking better and better by the day.
    He's been levelled questions about how his platform has been the same for the last 4 elections, with no NDP headway.
    And how does the Esteemed Mr. Layton answer such questions?
    By saying that Canadians want some consistency from Leaders, which we certainly haven't gotten from either the Liberals or the Conservatives in the last 7 years. We've been handed anything BUT consistency in the last 7 years.
    The NDP has never wavered and never lied about their agenda.

    Mr. Layton asks Canadians every day on the campaign trail: Who do you trust to follow through on campaign promises?

    Stephen Harper's Regime (I am loathe to call it a party) has reneged on almost every single promise they've ever made.
    Harper says one thing to your face and then does the complete opposite when your back is turned.
    And people still love this jackass!
    How does Harper do it??
    Does he hypnotize people? through the television screen?
    I'm mystified here. How do otherwise smart people vote for this shithead?
    A man who lies to you everytime he opens his yap?
    Seriously: run everything he says through a truth machine. You'll find that the machine will spit and sputter after about 30 seconds.

    He keeps hammering this point about a coalition. (with Ignatieff as Leader of this so-called coalition).
    Why would Harper even give a shit if he's so sure he's going to win a Majority government?
    Answer me that one.

    I'll tell you why.
    It's because Harper is not sure he's going to win a majority. In fact, he's scared shitless he'll lose a minority for minority to the Liberals.
    So his best shot is to RAM this idea of a coalition down the Canadian peoples' throats.
    Because if he does not win a majority, you can bet your hard-paid-tax-dollars that the opposition parties will defeat a Harper minority.
    And the reason is so plainly obvious: THEY HAVE NO CONFIDENCE in the Harper government.
    Does everybody understand this? Does everybody KNOW this?
    It does not matter if "Joe Voter" understands this or not.
    If Harper is elected again, he faces THREE OPPONENTS WHO HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN HIM.
    "Joe Voter" can cast his vote for the fuckin' Easter Bunny- it will not matter if Harper wins again.

    He's on his way out, and it's becoming increasingly clear that Harper won't leave unless he's shoved out, really HARD.
    He won't go unless he's in handcuffs and foaming at the mouth, such is his lust for power & priviledge.
    Harper HATES our political system.
    Dubya's quote of "a dictatorship would be easier" is the exact same item on Harper's mind.
    Exact same mindset.
    Carbon copies.

    To see Harper everyday on cpac lying through his teeth is enraging for me.
    Even more enraging is hearing people CLAPPING at his lies and bullshit at these rallies. Close-minded, un-informed douchebags who lap up his every word. UGH. Revolting!
    Wish I had a time machine to show everyone how desolate and bleak the Canadian landscape will be with more horrifying years of Harper's Regime.
    If I could, I'd yell into the face every supporter of Harper's: WAKE THE FUCK UP!

    And I'd like to remind voters that the Harper you see on your TV screens IS NOT the real Stephen Harper.
    Trust me.
    I watch him a lot more than you do.
    And I know when someone is acting or not- I've seen some 10,000 films in my lifetime.
    I know an actor when I see one. And the mannerisms, the speeches of Harper are from the Lee Strasberg school of "stay simple, stay low-key".
    He does not want his mouth to get him into the hot water it got him into the last election.
    But today on cpac I watched him flub his message on a question about that guy in his camp (Bruce Carson) who is under investigation by the RCMP for election fraud.
    Harper says that he did not know the background of this guy or he would not have hired him.
    This is an outright lie.
    In order to get even NEAR the prime ministers office you need a security clearance from the privy council.
    Stephen Harper is not a guy who would not know who he's hiring or even MEETING WITH on a daily basis.
    Harper is a guy who needs a lot of cover in order to get up to his shenanigans.
    He would never, EVER, allow a minion into his assinine circle without knowing a WHOLE LOT about that individual.
    So SOLE RESPONSIBILITY rests with Harper on this evil gaffe.
    (Especially 5 years into power- sorry Steve- I'm holding you accountable. I realize that no one else does on this planet. I do my best . ;)
    So what was the flub?
    Instead of replying "I wouldn't have HIRED this individual",
    Harper first said "I wouldn't have FIRED this individual", correcting himself immediately after he said it.
    Freudian slip all the way!
    He fired Carson! after he made the boss look like a Fuckhead!
    Hey Carson! I hate your guts and don't give a shit what the hell you do, but I'd sue that "sacrosanct" shithead for all he's worth!
    He's only in it for the politics! You found out first-hand, didn't ya?
    Something like that would make me the most jaded politico in the Milky Way Galaxy!
    But maybe these assholes have no soul. Maybe I give them too much credit...
    Last edited by Johann; 04-04-2011 at 05:40 PM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  3. #3
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    I have to call out the Canadian media and all three opposition parties (including the NDP, the party who has my vote!).

    None of them are holding the Conservative party to account for why their government fell.
    That's why we're in a election right now, that's why we're being bothered with this fucking election!
    I think it's about time someone drove that point home.
    I think it's about time to amp up and ramp up that "untrustworthy Harper" line.
    We have 5 years of broken promises and outright lies. A laundry list, actually. (Anyone who wants a list, let me know- I'll send it to you or type it out here. And it's quite long, CHACHI. The damage that Harper has caused on just the shit he COULD IMPLEMENT, not "MIGHT DO" is staggering).
    Harper's record is abysmal. The worst of any Prime Minister in Canada's history. Flip-Flops galore, outright lies, mis-leading provinces, no action to improve health care, child care or seniors' well being- quite the contrary- Harper's regime took $1500-2000 out of every seniors' bank account every month in every year he's been in power. FACT. His cuts to programs and freezing of all kinds of funds has reduced a lot of people to buying food with credit cards. FACT. Maybe you don't see it in your neighborhood, but I see it in mine.

    The CBC is accused of being Liberal-biased. But I don't see it. If they were, they'd drive it into our heads every night why the Harper government fell. And they'd be biased AND telling the truth at the same time! Wow!
    The Sun newspaper chain? NOW THEY are biased. But not toward the Libs. It's quite the opposite.
    The Ottawa Sun puts out full front-page ads with bogus poll numbers saying the public doesn't believe Iggy and his denial of a Coalition (17%! Ha Ha- Who cares, SUN MEDIA?) Their letters mailbag is loaded with pro-Harper shitheads who haven't followed events on the Hill in 5 years pontificating about what is wrong with Ottawa and it's NEVER Harper- coincidence? I think not.

    I still haven't heard Stephen Harper answer the question about his government being in contempt of parliament.
    Not one reporter has asked him about it in 11 days of campaigning.
    I'd dog him every day: Why should Canadians trust you when Parliament doesn't?
    I'd ask him Why won't you admit your huge mistakes? Why do you feel the need to lie and coverup when you said your party was all about accountability?
    Because Harper says one thing and does another, you silly monkey!
    Silly Silly man...tsk tsk...why try to be noble? It's pointless.
    Last edited by Johann; 04-04-2011 at 06:12 PM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  4. #4
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    Stephen Harper kicked two women out of his stump yesterday.
    Kicked out because (during the security screening) the Conservatives checked out their Facebook profiles and saw that they were friends with Michael Ignatieff.

    That was all it took to get the boot.
    Is that Democratic? To check out people's facebook friends before letting 'em in to see their potential Leader speak?
    Harper was asked about it this morning and what was his response?
    It was the same response he gives to all reporters who call him out on being an un-Canadian shithead: Nothing.
    He refused to answer directly.
    All he said was "We've been drawing big crowds to our rallies".
    Yeah? And? THAT'S your answer? You've been drawing big crowds?
    What about this isssue you were just asked about?!?!?
    Kicking out 2 women from your rally who had Ignatieff as a facebook friend!?!?
    No comment, Fuckhead?
    Just dodge the issue? Accountability is not a word in your vocabulary, Mr. Harper.
    How arrogant of you to use that word as a campaign platform 5 years ago.
    You've devolved into a Shuck and Jive Man, Steve. And the people see right through it.

    On the other side of the tracks, where truth and integrity reign supreme, Jack Layton announced that he would make the Canada Pension Plan a 50% guaranteed income supplement to Seniors, as opposed to the 25% it's at right now.
    Young voters may not care about that now, but believe you me, when you approach that retirement age you'll be damn glad that the CPP was topped for you and yours. You'll be thanking the NDP for thinking of you way back in 2011.

    I watched cpac this morning with an extra large coffee (my daily ritual during this election) and a caller phoned in to ask point blank why this election was happening. He was under the impression that it was because the Harper government fell on a vote of non-confidence because the government was in contempt of parliament. (SMART MAN). The moderator replied that the blame is shared for this election.
    100% correct.
    Let me break it on down:

    The budget that Harper's conswineatives put to the House could have been voted for by all parties and accepted for Canada. It wasn't. The numbers didn't add up. They were fudged.

    WHY wasn't it good enough?

    a) no costs or even ESTIMATES (that were decent) for Harper's prisons or F-35 jets. The opposition gave Harper TONS of time to provide good solid numbers. 4 months of time. Only when FORCED by the Speaker of the House to provide all info did we get a "Data Dump"- a bunch of binders that provided NO INFO that helped in the decision to vote for these huge ticket items. So the only proper course of action was to find the Harper government in contempt. Originally Harper said it was "executive secrets" that was the reason for not providing all relevant info/costs.
    Then everybody realized that there is no such thing as "Executive Secrets" in Canadian politics.
    They told us that the F-35 was the best jet we can buy. Problem is it's the only jet they looked at. WHAT ASSHOLES!
    Then the price went from 9 billion to 35 billion to I don't know what number they picked out of the sky for it now.
    They just told us "THIS IS OUR JET. SIGN HERE, CANADA".
    Fuck that noise. Shit like this is why we're in an election.
    We need to vote out liars and deceivers. PRONTO.

    b). as I mentioned before, Harper's pathetic budget had nothing in it for Seniors, child care or daycare or hardworking Canadians.
    It was beyond appalling, that budget. I sat in on the debate in the House of Commons Live, and I can tell you that I wanted to throw down rotten oranges at the Conservative side of the Commons. I truly do not know who they represent.
    Can someone give me a one-sentence explanation of who the Conservatives represent?
    Please? Just one sentence that I can understand.
    Because all that was in the budget were tax breaks for oil companies, insurance companies and fucking BANKS.
    Since when do those groups take precedent over the Canadian working taxpayer?
    Since when??????????

    Yes, the NDP could have staved off an election by supporting the budget.
    But if you were Jack Layton, meeting with Harper personally to make sure these items are in the budget and then get flipped off after propping up his government in the past,
    We're back to vote because Harper didn't tell Parliament the truth.

    As long as Harper keeps up his campaign of lies and inhumanity we just might see a Liberal minority once again.

    The irony is so sweet too: Harper is running his campaign EXACTLY like Pierre Trudeau did in 1980.
    Every single move Harper makes, he makes with what Trudeau had in mind to win a majority in 1980.
    And Trudeau's son Justin is in the Liberal party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    How sweet it is!!!

    The *glaring* difference between Harper and Pierre Trudeau is that Trudeau knew he could win a majority. Harper ain't so sure. He knows his lies can come back to haunt him . BADLY.
    He's a nervous Nelly on the campaign trail- look how he snaps and barks and evades questions when confronted with major flaws in his character.
    He squirms and wrestles with unleashing his inner asshole every time.

    Stay tuned.
    Last edited by Johann; 04-18-2011 at 10:58 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  5. #5
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    I have a "special edition" issue of Maclean's magazine that is all about Stephen Harper and his M.O.
    The issue is called "What you don't know about Stephen Harper"
    I wish I could hand out every copy to every Canadian.

    What does it say about him in it?
    It says that he was "this close" to giving up power when Stephane Dion was heading a coalition to defeat Harper's minority a couple years ago.
    The article has insiders who were in the room with Harper saying that he said "Let them take power. It will fall apart. It will never work for Dion. We can pick up the pieces in the next election, come out stronger than ever".
    Harper's top aide said "I'm not so sure- they could make this thing work. Your position as party leader could be compromised"
    Harper wasn't so sure.
    But we know what he did, don't we? He plowed ahead into an election and won another minority.
    Harper has learned to USE elections to his advantage. He's even learned when to have one when he wants!
    Like Right Now, for instance!

    Have we ever seen attack ads like the ones Harper concocted for months leading up to the election?
    I mean, he really SMEARED Ignatieff! Those ads stick in peoples' minds. They stick in mine! and I know it's all lies!
    How diabolical is that?
    Just imagine the ingrained impression it creates in a voter who doesn't follow politics!
    The very folks who Harper wants as his minions. He all but guarantees those oblivious voters will check "conservative" at the polls.
    It enrages me. It's total political tactics- no substance behind it.

    But I guess it makes the political arena a wee bit more exciting than if we had no attack ads, right?
    I mean, politics is fucking BORING, Mang.
    Last edited by Johann; 10-09-2015 at 02:03 PM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  6. #6
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    FINALLY Harper was asked today about his government falling on contempt charges!
    By a regular citizen to boot.

    It's a freakin' miracle!

    But of course, he avoided the question like a rented snake.
    He was asked "Doesn't this controlling of who comes to your rallies re-affirm for Canadians that you are too controlling, which is why your government fell on contempt charges?"

    Harper replied "I think Canadians are more interested in the economy and creating jobs".
    Isn't that amazing? That's how slimy a politician can be folks..

    I'm Not more interested in the economy Steve.
    I'M NOT. The economy will always be there. It ain't going anywhere.
    But You?
    You Sir, are going to the funny farm. Where you fuckin' belong.
    I've noticed that Harper answers questions 95% of the time by starting with "In terms of..."
    He LOVES that phrase "IN TERMS OF..."

    How about I use it?

    In terms of LEADING, Mr. Harper you've failed miserably.
    In terms of HONESTY and INTEGRITY, Mr. Harper you've failed with flying colors. Failed Spectacularly.
    In terms of personality, yours is a cross between a wooden plank and a soaking wet cat.
    In terms of having a clue, you're about 10 million units in the red.
    In terms of contempt for Canada you're the King. Untouchable for contempt. Numero UNO!
    In terms of sheer assholiness you win every single time, no matter who is in front of you, in back of you or in another province. YOU WIN.

    In terms of Canada needing a new government, IT'S FIVE YEARS OVERDUE.
    Last edited by Johann; 07-19-2011 at 11:04 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  7. #7
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    Our beloved Rex Murphy has been following this election, and the "scrapbook" of photographic memories he presented on The National a couple days ago was hilarious. It showed just what kind of bang for our $300 million election buck we Canadians are getting. It was great.

    Mike Ignatieff eating a hot dog.
    Stephen Harper and his wife Skeletor wearing giant black bowling ball helmets while riding their all-terrain buggies.
    (Proof Rex says that Canadians want to keep Harper indoors and behind a desk as much as possible- he looked positively goofy in that helmet).
    Jack Layton intently gazing at a bag of oranges in a supermarket. Yep- AWESOME snaps those photogs are getting of the Leaders in campaign mode! It's utterly astounding how wretched Ignatieff looks gulping down a frankfurter.
    Positively ghastly seeing Harper's wife dance with some Bollywood dancers and jaw-droppingly weird to have Harper sing John Lennon's "Imagine" out of tune to a 12-year-old girl at a small piano. As some writer in the Citizen put it: There's a reason Ringo was given "With a Little Help From My Friends". Because any dolt can sing it. That's why Harper looked great torturing that Beatles ditty. ANYONE can sing that one. But "Imagine"??? Lennon would be spinning in his grave! Especially being sung by HARPER. Wow does that take the wind right out of your sails. It was vomit-inducing.

    We just had bombshell news that Harper's government did something VERY illegal with regards to the G8 funding. Apparently Harper's government tricked Parliament into giving them millions & millions for the summit and then divvied up the money any way they saw fit.
    Which sounds very TRUE to me...
    All opposition party Leaders are demanding on the stump today that Harper release the report/documents that the Auditor General filed.
    BEFORE the debate, tomorrow night.,
    They want it now. And I don't blame 'em.
    That is even more proof of contempt from Harper! and if he doesn't supply them with that report, he's in even more contempt!
    It just goes on and on with these Conservative Clowns!

    Those debates Tuesday night will MAKE the election.
    This is where Canadians really tune in...

    It should be illegal for a man to run for Prime Minister whose government was found in contempt of Parliament. That should BAR YOUR ASS from politics.
    But no, we gotta witness the sad spectacle of Stephen Harper hoping to Holy Hell the electorate doesn't catch on to what he's done.
    Last edited by Johann; 04-14-2011 at 11:41 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  8. #8
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    LET'S BE CLEAR: Harper has a long history of lying right to our faces:
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  9. #9
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    Note to Official Opposition Leader Thomas Mulcair:

    You are AWESOME Sir. Keep up the fantastic work. The NDP are doing this country VERY PROUD.

    (And keep me in mind for the Order of Canada someday after you win 24 Sussex Drive, will ya? :)
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  10. #10
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    HO HO HO

    Pamela Wallin, a Conservative Senator, isn't Conservative at all.
    This bitch has claimed nearly half-a-million dollars in expenses in the last two years, auditor Deloitte & Touche has revealed today to CTV News.
    Flights (FIRST-CLASS!) to Saskatchewan. Outrageous meal claims, limosines, housing claims, clothing claims, the whole gamut.

    $330,000 alone in travel claims! How do you like this information, mr. and mrs.TAXPAYER?

    I want her fucking HEAD.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  11. #11
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    The Liberal Leadership race is over. Marc Garneau has dropped out, saying it's mathematically impossible for him to beat Justin Trudeau.
    The Liberals are the third party, and I don't give a shit whether they might win the next election or not.
    The talk is about an "inevitable" Liberal/NDP merger that will be needed to defeat the Tories in 2015.
    With the news that Jack Layton may have been poisoned, I think we have Pure Evil for a Government and will for a long fucking time.
    Canadians don't care.
    They are not interested, it seems, and they seem quite happy with a fucking slimeball criminal for PM.
    They don't mind that he's in bed with shitheads and fleecers. They don't mind that he's sold Canada out to China in a LARGE WAY.
    They just don't care.
    So I don't either.

    I don't see much more point in writing about Herr Harper anymore.
    He's our insane Fuhrer, and Canadians love him to death.
    What can you do?
    You can say "Fuck It, Not Worth My Precious Time Anymore", and that's me. Today.
    Last edited by Johann; 03-14-2013 at 10:05 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  12. #12
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    So I guess this thread is over until I get information that means something.
    Harper's non-Leadership is exactly the same as Nixon's circa 1973- in a holding pattern of criminality until the shit hits the fan.

    Over 11,000
    Thanks for reading it, even if I don't know you.
    Hopefully you got something from it.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  13. #13
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    It's truly awesome to re-read this whole thread and see where I was right and wrong. (and really, I was only wrong on Rob Ford)
    This whole thread should be published as a book (with ammendments and corrections as an afterword)
    Last edited by Johann; 11-13-2014 at 10:51 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  14. #14
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    So what's new in Canadian politics?

    Well, we recently had a home-grown tragedy here in Ottawa, with a man from Montreal shooting a Canadian soldier in the back dead while he was (ceremoniously) guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier. Then he stormed Parliament, John Wayne-style, with a lever-action 30/30 Winchester (he knew it was a one-way trip!). His ghost now haunts the Centre Block. One shooter locked-down the entire city of Ottawa, and the security was so incompetent on the Hill that they had to put out fake word that there were multiple shooters!
    It was truly Surreal. We didn't hear from our Dear Leader Steve until 8 hours after the attack. We heard from Obama first! Then, a shitty press conference was hastily set up at Harper's residence at 24 Sussex Drive, with the Mayor Jim Watson, some city cops and the RCMP all trying to seem as if they had a handle on what happened, which they didn't and still don't. More civil liberties will be eroded as a result. Harper loved the whole situation. Canada is definitely a Banana Republic. The week of October 22nd proved it. There is no security on the Hill. The RCMP are paid billions and they didn't stop a man running full-tilt up the Hill with a long gun in his hands- with cameras and cruisers everywhere, by the way. This guy (who was a heroin and crack addict by the way) also managed to hijack an official vehicle to speed up his entry to the Centre Block. Mounties couldn't get their man! Is this Canada? The RCMP said they were caught off guard by this guy. Really? Aren't you On Guard for Thee? Asshats??
    Holy Fuck was I furious. Then Harper tells the Nation (in a profoundly scripted speech) that "Canada will not be intimidated", all the while announcing to our military members that they are not to wear their uniforms in public, for fear of the uniform being a target for further attacks. We are not in Kansas anymore Dorothy. All I can say is I'm ashamed that a nutjob cowardly shot a soldier in the back dead yet I'm not surprised at all. This guy (who will remain nameless for good reason) made a video explaining what he was gonna do, that it was for Iraq, for Canada's foreign policy. This wasn't a mentally ill guy. He knew exactly what he was doing. He probably shot up his last blast of heroin (he had a $160/day junk habit) and made his Pickett's charge. That piece of shit Winchester he had held seven rounds. One soldier died. No one in Parliament was hurt. But just think, if there were a team of guys who stormed parliament, strapped with grenades or dynamite. What then? This could've been a bloodbath.
    Peter Mansbridge was ripped for asking if you have to wonder if Canada's recent involvement in the fight with ISIS had something to do with it. Well, he was dead-bang-on. But people up here felt that he shouldn't even consider such a thing, let alone say it while the events were unfolding. Well Peter, I stand behind what you said. You were absolutely right to ask it. Because we now know the attack was planned and it was because of Canada's NEW, INSANE foreign policy.

    We don't belong in Iraq. Jean Chretien made that clear. Harper is outright ignoring that fact.

    And in other scandalous news:

    Dean del Mastro has been convicted in his election fraud trial on all counts. He resigned his seat in Parliament last week, complete with waterworks and mentioning his mom and dad and his pet goldfish Guido. Did you know that if you resign as an MP and do not get expelled you get to keep your pension? Glad you were on top of that Dean. Glad you were never in it for the money. *snicker*
    I said you were "'GON HANG LIKE DEM LOW-HANGIN'FRUIT DEAN"... But you get to keep your $60,000 a year pension, and you won't even go to jail for your election fraud shenanigans. What a wounderful democracy we have 'eh?" You win the election by cheating, and get to keep everything that you were paid and sapped from taxpayers, AND because the House didn't get to vote to expel you (You resigned before that hammer fell) you get to keep your golden parachute.

    My Fellow should be outraged over this. Make some noise and waves over the colossal scam that is Canada's Tory Government.
    Last edited by Johann; 11-10-2014 at 03:32 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  15. #15
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    Donald Trump is actually amusing me in this U.S. Presidential campaign.
    How bad could Trump be as Prez? HE CAN'T BE BOUGHT. By anybody!

    That is one "trump" he has that no other candidate has! He can't be controlled! And what worries the "power elites" *snicker, snicker* is that by extension the American people can't be bought or controlled. That scares the living shit out of them. I love that situation.

    What do you got to lose by voting for Trump? I mean, cripes, you have a hell of a lot to gain...
    I just hope he doesn't drop out. Stay the course Donald! If you drop out you will be VILIFIED!
    You will have no credibility whasoever if you drop out. Take on Bush & Clinton. See what happens. It should be Awesome.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

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