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Thread: Stephen Harper is Delusional

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    I've been following Libby Davies on Facebook for the past hour (I met her here in Ottawa- she's smart and eloquent and a politician who CARES) and her posts on the casket arriving in the Hall of Honour are moving.
    She says it's very solemn right now.

    But the tribute to Jack on the Parliament lawn is lovely.
    Orange candles burning, cases of Orange Crush soda (a symbol of Jack's massive election win), bountiful flowers and hand-made tributes.
    It's hard to believe he's gone.

    He'll get a State Funeral in Toronto.
    Harper couldn't refuse that- if he did, he'd be the coldest motherfucker on planet earth, and the people would've demanded it from that lying scumbag regardless.
    Jack deserves nothing less. Had cancer not taken him, he would've eventually been our Prime Minister.
    His wife Olivia is still an NDP MP, so you'd better believe that things on the Hill will get REAL serious.
    It amazes me how much the media up here underestimate the NDP.
    It really does.

    Even citizens- I got into an argument with a guy standing in line at Starbucks when I laughed at him saying Harper is the smartest man to ever be in Canadian politics. He angrily snapped at me: "What, do you think the Liberals should be running this country?", thinking I'm an un-informed loser.
    I fired back: No. The Liberals don't exist. Didn't you follow the election? The NDP should be running this country. Because they care about this country. He shot back "Socialism will never work in this country, Buddy"
    I said: It already does, BUDDY. Our health care system is pure socialism. And I don't think you'd want it to disappear. Would you?
    He said "Fuck You".

    I didn't reply. I just got my coffee and left. It's good enough just knowing that he knew I wasn't the guy he thought I was. Sometimes that's all I need. Because arguments with others can escalate or descend into stupid bullshit that one doesn't really need. A headache that you could've avoided with better choice of words or tone of voice...
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    I'm going to a favorite hang-out of Jack's tonight: Brixton Pub.
    Lift a pint or two and have his favorite meal.
    Seems like a good way to honor him today.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    Great day yesterday.

    I saluted Jack Layton's casket when I finally got up to it. It was a long wait on Parliament Hill to see him, but time didn't matter.
    He suffered a lot of pain towards the end, and it's nothing for me to stand a few hours to say goodbye.
    He stood for hours with a bum hip for the televised debates and never once complained about his illness.
    That's a MAN.
    I haven't given a military salute to any man since I left the Army in 1996.
    3000+ people filed past, and another 3000 will probably do so today. Jack's wife Olivia was very gracious.
    He goes back to Toronto for a State funeral tomorrow.

    They say that Stephen Harper and his wife were here to pay their respects, but I never saw them.
    In fact, I've NEVER seen Harper or his wife in person in Ottawa. EVER.
    I've seen Jack on the street several times. I've been in the Ottawa area for almost a year now and I've never seen Harper in the flesh.
    I guess I'll have to go to the public galleries more often.
    I should, just to beef up this thread.
    I think I could be more informative than I have been. It's worth my time to follow politics. It's important.
    I've never cared about the future of this country more than I do now.
    And I've never been more excited about how the NDP will move forward.
    We got resolve, Boy.

    Underestimate away, all you media and Conservative clowns.
    Because Instant Karma's gonna get you.
    Gonna smack you right in the face.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ottawa Canada
    A high-school friend of Christie Blachford's wrote to the National Post saying that she always had to be at the centre of attention.

    So that explains her arrogance.

    She's a self-centered cunt and always was.
    It's not her fault.
    She was born that way, like Lady Goofball.
    Her whiny suckitude is a public spectacle, not Layton's funeral.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ottawa Canada
    Harper would be lucky to have three people file past his coffin, if he died.
    And two of them would probably try to flip it over, and kick the corpse that would fall out.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Ottawa Canada
    Over 7000 people filed past Jack Layton's casket in 48 hours.
    He touched a lot of people.
    His legacy looms large.
    And the chalk tributes at Nathan Philips square in Toronto are so awesome it's unreal (I saw a photo montage on FB).

    How many chalk "tributes" would Harper ever get in T.O.?
    Not a one, Buster.
    If he did, it would be like bathroom stall grafitti or written by people who don't actually know what he's all about.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    Another point about Harper being persona non-grata in Ottawa:

    I was at the Remembrance Day service last year here in Ottawa, and Harper was not there.
    He was in Korea. For what, who the fuck knows.

    If there is ONE DAY OF THE FUCKING YEAR when the Prime Minister of Canada should be in Ottawa it's November 11th.
    I don't care if the tags are being taken off the nukes by Kim Jong-Il- you stand at fucking attention at the War Memorial all fucking day if you have to. Especially if you are a "War Prime Minister" like Harper. You send our young men to bite the dust in Afghanistan for nothing? Then the least you can do is show up on fucking Remembrance Day. Asshole.

    He had his fuckhead minion John Baird there in his place.
    Could you imagine John Baird as PM?
    Holy fuck Kill Me Now.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd


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