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Thread: Stephen Harper is Delusional

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    I have a "special edition" issue of Maclean's magazine that is all about Stephen Harper and his M.O.
    The issue is called "What you don't know about Stephen Harper"
    I wish I could hand out every copy to every Canadian.

    What does it say about him in it?
    It says that he was "this close" to giving up power when Stephane Dion was heading a coalition to defeat Harper's minority a couple years ago.
    The article has insiders who were in the room with Harper saying that he said "Let them take power. It will fall apart. It will never work for Dion. We can pick up the pieces in the next election, come out stronger than ever".
    Harper's top aide said "I'm not so sure- they could make this thing work. Your position as party leader could be compromised"
    Harper wasn't so sure.
    But we know what he did, don't we? He plowed ahead into an election and won another minority.
    Harper has learned to USE elections to his advantage. He's even learned when to have one when he wants!
    Like Right Now, for instance!

    Have we ever seen attack ads like the ones Harper concocted for months leading up to the election?
    I mean, he really SMEARED Ignatieff! Those ads stick in peoples' minds. They stick in mine! and I know it's all lies!
    How diabolical is that?
    Just imagine the ingrained impression it creates in a voter who doesn't follow politics!
    The very folks who Harper wants as his minions. He all but guarantees those oblivious voters will check "conservative" at the polls.
    It enrages me. It's total political tactics- no substance behind it.

    But I guess it makes the political arena a wee bit more exciting than if we had no attack ads, right?
    I mean, politics is fucking BORING, Mang.
    Last edited by Johann; 10-09-2015 at 02:03 PM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd


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