RE: Nolan's Batman films.

I've noticed that people are being VERY critical and dismissive of the third and final Batman movie coming out next summer.
That attitude is baffling to me because I don't know what they are basing it on.
Nobody I've encountered online has had a solid argument on why they think the new Batman will blow chunks.
They just seem to feel it will, it's a "gut feeling".

My gut feeling is it will be an amazingly satisfying wrap-up to the story Nolan began with Batman Begins.
I can almost SEE how he's going to do it too.
There's a poster that juxtaposes one third of each film poster from the franchise, with the Bat-Symbol: BEGINS/FALLS/RISES.
That says it all about where Chris Nolan is taking and has already taken the caped crusader.
I argued with a guy about the New World Order stuff in The Dark Knight. He felt it was lame (perhaps he's right) but I don't mind it.
Nolan was trying to inject a little Modern Times into the proceedings and I don't mind that. I don't criticize that.
He made Gotham City a little bit like ANYCITY, USA, 2008, didn't he?

If I were to be truly critical in any way about how Batman has been done by Chris Nolan it lies with the character of Bruce Wayne, nothing else.
I've wondered about how he's written, how he can have such lapses in judgement (the death of Rachel), how he can let psychopaths get the better of him and his city. He's INTELLIGENT. How is he making gaffes? I feel that there should be more logic to his inability to nab these criminals when they are operating at full tilt. He's not thinking on his feet, which is not on. Batman and Bruce don't switch on and off. They are the same man. The Joker had him on a leash, practically!!!

He should NOT be sitting in a chair, holding his cowl, crying to Alfred about his inability to stop a madman like the Joker.
If anything, he should be smartening up, staring into the bat-room mirror, vowing to never let his guard down again.
He should be ahead of the curve on almost everything. He's a fucking DETECTIVE, for God's sake.
If he makes mistakes, it should be things he never saw coming, things that prove his enemies HAD TO WORK to get to him.

All in all, I can't complain though. I bark from a computer, never made a film in my life, so how much talk can I talk?
I'm just writing about it.
I'm not making my own Batman film, am I?