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Thread: Earliest film memory?

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  1. #9
    FilmWolf Guest

    Earliest Film Memory...

    It would have been when I was around 8 or 9 years old (1970/71) and my mother, being that she probably couldn't find a sitter at the time, took my two younger sisters and I to the old Uptown Theatre (which is sadly long gone) to see a rerelease of "Gone With The Wind".

    I remember being entranced by the color and by the costumes (the scene where Clark Gable looks up the stairs and sees Vivian Leigh for the first time has remained stuck in my mind) and I recall feeling a little sad during the parts where the Civil War was raging, because those pretty homes were being destroyed and that those people would never be able to have those wonderful parties anymore (yes folks, the Civil War really WAS all about the North destroying the South's ability to throw weekend barbecues...*lol*)

    My earliest memories of watching films on television made for both sides of a very unusual "coin". There was the perennial TV favorite "The Wizard of Oz" (I always cried during the scene where Dorothy told her friends goodbye prior to leaving Oz) and the 50's sci-fi classic "The Blob", which NEVER failed to scare the heck outta me, because this was one monster (unlike the growling Wolf Man or the shuffling Frankenstein Monster) that you couldn't hear sneaking up on you!...

    Last edited by FilmWolf; 12-17-2002 at 11:56 PM.


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