Sometimes I like the feeling of independence and self-reliance I get from being on the minority side of the critical divide relative to the debatable merits of a movie. In the case of HUGO particularly, because the consensus here at filmleaf and elsewhere is that it is a great movie. I join the majority in feeling great admiration for it. Scorsese is so skillful and surrounds himself with top-notch talent that when he really cares about something (Shutter Island has no heart!) like film studies, history, and preservation the result is something special. I enjoyed reading CK's "minority review" no matter how much I disagree with it (we even like different Scorsese movies, like Scorsese for different reasons...).
There is a bite to your review Chris, a slightly snippy tone to lines like "serious, lush movie made for children and would-be children". I wasn't surprised to see it get such interesting responses like the one from Tab1.
Count me among the "would-be children" :)