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Thread: PARIS MOVIE REPORT (May 2012)

  1. #31
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    My pleasure. I love doing the photos.

    For more go to my FLICKR Photostream. It's the set called Paris 3 (May 2012)

    By the way on the LOUNGE section I put up a thread about Obama that may interest you. The Times article it's based on is quite devastating. Much of it was known but the way Obama says the decisions to kill were "easy" is chilling and we learn who is really in the white house now.
    Last edited by Chris Knipp; 05-31-2012 at 09:48 AM.

  2. #32
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    I said Paris was over and I'm back in California, but UGC, the big French distributor, sends me notices of the week's new releases in Paris because I have a discount card, which they call a "carte de fidélité", and you might be interested in what the new releases are by UGC in Paris this week. I wish I were back there now. DE ROUILLE ET D'OS, RUST AND BONE, came out during Cannes and I reviewed it above. The Woody Allen doc looks really interesting. The movie about women on Cairo busses I reviewed as part of New Directors, and it's definitely worth seeing and well made. Are they getting PROMETHEUS a little before we are? 7 DAYS IN HAVANA was at Cannes, and Mike D'Angelo wasnt very enthusiastic, but it would still be better than AMERICAN ANIMAL, if you ask me. WELCOME TO GERMANY (ALAMANYA) by Yasamin Sanderelli is a good natured comedy about Turkish immigrants in Germany, nothing pretentious, but favorably reviewed by Alissa Simon in Variety as "well-crafted" and "A breezy, colorfully styled comedy suitable for family viewing" that provides historical background on Guest Workers in Germany.

    UGC vous recommande !
    Voici notre nouvelle Découverte UGC : un film qui aborde avec courage et avec punch la situation de la femme en Egypte. Seulement en Egypte ?

    À l'affiche cette semaine...
    de Ridley Scott
    Le grand retour de Ridley Scott à la SF et à l'ADN d'Alien. Un des films les plus attendus de l'année.
    de Robert B. Weide
    Avant la sortie de son nouveau film (le 4 juillet), une rencontre chaleureuse avec l'un des cinéastes les plus attachants et les plus prolifiques. Rappel d'une carrière exceptionnelle.
    de Benicio del Toro
    7 réalisateurs filment La Havane, un jour chacun : Laurent Cantet, Gaspar Noé, Julio Medem, Elia Suleiman, Juan Carlos Tabio, Pablo Trapero, Benicio del Toro. Cuba, librement.
    de Yasemin Samdereli
    Comment évoquer l'immigration de façon décomplexée et sans ressentiment, sans contourner les problèmes culturels mais au contraire en s'en amusant. Un film utile et décrispant.
    de Jacques Audiard
    Et pour finir, nous vous rappelons ce film magnifique. Une histoire d'amour percutante et une interprétation bouleversante - UGC M et le public aussi !
    Last edited by Chris Knipp; 06-13-2012 at 02:07 PM.

  3. #33
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    Paris movie releases June 13-20, 2012.

    Allociné lists 18 film releases in France this week -- but this includes several revivals of old films that I will omit. With the title of each I will give Allociné's "Press" evaluation (1-5).
    My rough translations of the opening part of the blurbs.

    These from the big distributor UGC:

    À l'affiche cette semaine.../Coming this week
    JOURNAL DE FRANCE (France Journal) Allociné: 3.9
    de Raymond Dupardon
    Du grand photographe et documentariste Raymond Depardon. Un road-movie d'un type particulier.
    From great photographer and documentarian Raymond Depardon, a unique road movie.
    de Jean Becker
    Regular as clockwork master Jean Becker provides a 2012 edition, adapting a novel by Eric Holder. Two people on a nice escape, two generations who rediscover each other
    Régulier comme un métronome, le maître Jean Becker nous propose en cru 2012 une adaptation d'un roman d'Eric Holder. Une belle échappée à deux, deux générations qui se retrouvent.
    de Jean-Paul Rouve
    À l'occasion d'un voyage, Mathias, 40 ans, croise par hasard un enfant qui lui fait étrangement...
    While traveling, Matthias, 40, meets by chance a child who strangely resembles him...
    Un film délicat, qui aborde de manière inhabituelle la paternité. Premier film d'un Jean-Paul Rouve étonnant de fragilité, qui retrouve ici son partenaire de "Podium", un Benoît Poelvoorde aux antipodes du "Grand soir" vedette de la semaine dernière.
    A delicate film that approaches the paternity theme in a fresh way. Astonishing fragility from Jean-Paul Rouve directing his first film, partnering with Benoit Poelvoorde working at the opposite extreme from LE GRAND SOIR (film released with him starring in it last week -- ALLOCINE: 3.7).
    This co-stars actor/director Xavier Beauvois, who directed LE PETIT LIEUTENANT and OF GODS AND MEN
    LA PETITE VENISE (Little Venice) ALLOCINE: 3.4
    de Andrea Segre
    Sur une île de la lagune vénitienne, un pêcheur fait la connaissance d'une jeune chinoise...
    On an island of the laguna of Venice, a fisherman meets a young Chinese girl...
    Pour les amateurs de cinéma poétique, cette belle évocation de l'exil et du déracinement, par un cinéaste au regard généreux.
    For the lovers of poetic cinema this lovely evocation of exile and separation by a film artist of generous sensibility.
    DIAS DE GRACIA (Days of Grace) ALLOCINE: 2.6
    (Described now in Filmleaf CANNES 2011 thread here)
    de Everardo Gout
    Une mise en scène explosive qui rappelle les débuts d'Alejandro Inarritu ! Une vraie révélation, qui dribble entre trois coupes du monde de football pour nous renvoyer une réalité sociale mexicaine très très chaude...
    Explosive filmmaking that recalls the early work of Alejandro Inarritu! A real revelation that dribbles between three soccer world cup competitions to reveal a very, very hot Mexican social reality.
    MK2, the other theatrical distributor, lists these June 13, 2012 releases:
    SOIRÉE COURTS MÉTRAGES : QUÉBEC GOLD 2011 (Quebec Gold 2011): Short Film Evening
    de avec ...
    Québec Gold 11, programme composè par l’association "Prends ça court !", réunit une sélection..
    (We know this one.)
    MARLEY (Kevin Macdonald) ALLOCINE: 3.5
    (This already released in the US.)
    de Hernán Belón
    Elisa et Santiago achètent une maison de campagne et s'y rendent avec leur fille de 2 ans pour...
    Elsa and Santiago buy a country house and go there with their two-year-old daughter to....
    STUDIOPHILO : SPÉCIAL BAC (Philo Studio: Graduation Special)
    de Ollivier Pourriol
    Mettez toutes les chances de votre côté, en assistant aux séances spéciales de révision du.
    Put all chance aside while attending special exam cramming sessions. (This is a series of presentations by a TV personality with film clips shown in movie theaters for students preparing for their final exams in philosophy.)
    de Nir Bergman avec Yehuda Almagor Orly Silbersatz BanaiRoee Elsberg...
    Un quartier de Jérusalem au début des années 60. Aharon Kleinfeld, est un garçon de onze ans, à à l’imagination débordante et dont l’esprit aspire au raffinement et à l’art. ..
    A Jerusalem neighborhood in the early Sixties. Aharon Kleinfeld is an 11-year-old boy with a rich imagination and a spirit incluned to delicacy and art..
    (2010 film by the Israeli director of BROKEN WINGS. Has been in fests but no US release.)
    JE SENS LE BEAT QUI MONTE EN MOI (i Feel the Beat Rising in Me) ALLOCINE: 4.2
    de Yann Le Quellec avec Véronique Hervouet Rosalba Torres GuerreroSerge Bozon...
    Rosalba, jeune guide touristique, souffre d’une affection étrange : la moindre mélodie provoque chez elle une gesticulation et elle se met à danser, de façon aussi subite qu’incontrôlable. Malgré ses ruses pour cacher son excentricité, ce corps indomptable pourrait bien séduire son surprenant collègue Alain
    Young tour guide Rosalba suffers from a strange affliction: any hint of a tune sets her in motion and she begins dancing fast and incontrollably. Despite her efforst to hide this oddity this indomitable body seduces her surprised colleague Alain.
    This is a musical. .
    Other releases listed on ALLOCINE:

    Trishna ALLOCINE: 2.3
    De Michael Winterbottom
    Avec Freida Pinto, Riz Ahmed
    This is a contempo adaptation of Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d"Urbervilles set in India.
    "The story of the tragic relationship between the son of a property developer and the daughter of an auto rickshaw owner."
    Bangkok Renaissance NO ALLOCINE PRESS RATING.
    De Jean-Marc Minéo
    Avec Jon Foo, Caroline Ducey
    A French-Thai martial arts actioner in which a kids witnesses the killing of his parents and then becomes an action hero to avenge them, or just because a bullet to the brain causes ataraxia, and he feels no emotion. This is shown with an English soundtrack and French subtitles. Very contemporary.
    80 jours (80 Days) ALLOCINE: 3.
    De Jon Garaño, José Mari Goenaga
    Avec Itziar Aizpuru, Mariasun Pagoaga
    In the Spanish and Basque languages.
    Axun, une femme de 70 ans se rend à l'hôpital pour s'occuper de l'ex-mari de sa fille. Elle découvre que la femme qui s'occupe du malade du lit voisin est Maïté, sa meilleure amie d'adolescence. Elles profitent de leurs retrouvailles jusqu'à ce que Axun s'aperçoive que Maïté est plutôt attirée par les femmes... Chacune devra alors affronter des sentiments divergents.
    Axun, a 70-year-old woman, goes to a hospital to care for her daughter's ex-husband. She discovers that the woman tending to the patient in the next bed is Maïté, who was her best friend when they were in their teens. The two of them will have to deal with conflicting feelings.
    et noter
    De Philippe Carrèse
    Avec Didier Bénureau, Simon Astier
    A provincial insurance investigator wants to kill off his ball-buster wife, gets coaching from a gangster and becomes a dangerous individual.
    David Gordon Green
    Previous US release.
    Last edited by Chris Knipp; 02-23-2013 at 08:42 AM.

  4. #34
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    Other recent Paris releases. ALLOCINE ratings.

    COSMOMPOLIS (Cronenberg, Cannes competition) was released in Paris May 25 and received an ALLOCINE rating of 3.6.
    SUR LA ROUTE (On the Road, Salles, Cannes competition)) was released May 23 and received an ALLOCINE rating of 3.
    BUS 678, the Egyptian film reviewed in New Directors, was released May 30 and received an ALLOCINE rating of 3.2
    THE AVANGERS (April 25) got ALLOCINE 4.
    MARGIN CALL was released May 2 (whowing while I was there) and got an ALLOCINE rating of 4.0
    L'ENFANT D'EN HAUT/SISTER got an ALLOCINE rating of 3.6.

  5. #35
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    Moonrise Kingdom Brilliant

    Just saw Moonrise Kingdom about an hour ago and it's easily my top movie of the first half of 2012! Refreshing and reminiscent of A Christmas Story (1983), Stand By Me (1986), and Juno (2007). This movie really stands out for its use of visuals, stylish acting and comedy, and storytelling, this decade's contemporary fairy tale.

  6. #36
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    Glad to hear that you liked it, tabuno. For me now MOONNRISE KINGDOM and OSLO, AUGUST 31 (also showing, unfortunately in far fewer venues) are my top choices of the moment. ROCK OF AGES seemed too bad even to review. I enjoyed SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED, which just opened in this area today, and which I think shows real originality and charm, though it may just be that it's so much better than the incredibly lame and boring SEEKING A FRIEND FOR THE END OF THE WORLD and the stupid, incoherent ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER. SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED is a true indie film, avoiding the more obvious crowd-pleasing clichés. I will publish a review of it very shortly.

  7. #37
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    I also watched Moonrise Kingdom. Great movie. A classic.
    Funny, with mesmerizing sets and beautiful camerawork.
    You don't see movies like this too often.
    Too in-your-face for some but for me it was great.
    Ed Norton, Bill Murray, Harvey Keitel, Bruce Willis and 2 amazing kids in the lead roles.
    Great cast- par for the course for Wes Anderson.
    RUN to see this one.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  8. #38
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    Glad you got to see -- and loved -- it. I agree with you. I think it will stand as a classic and one of Anderson's best.

    The Amazing Spider-Man begins today -- in Canada as well as the US & eight or nine other countries, apparently. Looking forward to seeing how Garfield does it. Good summer fare, from reports.
    Last edited by Chris Knipp; 07-03-2012 at 08:29 AM.

  9. #39
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    Ottawa Canada
    MOONRISE KINGDOM really was a treat to watch.
    It's a classic. Right out of the gate. I knew it with the opening scenes.
    Hilarious and unique movie thru and thru.

    Kaw-Liga was a wooden Indian. Made of knotty pine.
    Man, seeing that kid in his canoe, fleeing the scouts, loaded for bear- I laughed hard.
    Hank Williams on the soundtrack. Wow. The romance between the two kids was priceless.
    His corn-cob pipe, they way they dance, his telling her to "continue" when she reads to him- it's a heart-tugger.

    Romance like those two have is light years better than Twilight or any other Rom-Com.
    I believed in their love. Their little slice of camping heaven was torn down by dowdy parents- Capulet and Montague style.

    Viva Passione!
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  10. #40
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    Splendid statement, Johann. Vivid praise. Thank you! You bring this amazing piece of work back to life. I need to see it again soon.

  11. #41
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    JULY 4 releases in Paris.

    Several new releases in Paris this week. Our two American hits, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN and TO ROME WITH LOVE, were not well received by the French critics but a tiny indie picture shot in Mississippi, unreleased here, did well critically. Highest honors went to the edgy and wildly surreal French film, in competition at Cannes, Leos Carax's HOLY MOTORS.

    À l'affiche cette semaine... [some of these are UGC blurbs]
    Bons plans
    de Leos Carax
    Une ode au cinéma et aux comédiens, par l'enfant maudit du cinéma français. Un des films remarqués du Festival de Cannes, cette année.
    "An ode to the movies and actors, by the bad boy of French cinema. One of the most talked about films of the Cannes Film Festival this year."
    This is the one that Mike D'Angelo rated through the roof and talked a lot about.
    ALLOCINÉ rating 4.2. Higher than any of the others I just listed, of which the highest was THE AVENGERS (4.0).

    de Marc Webb
    Changement de casting mais toujours aussi spectaculaire. Laissez-vous prendre dans sa toile!
    "New cast but just as spectacular as ever. Let yourself be caught in his web!"
    The Paris critics have not been enthusiastic about the new SPIDER-MAN.
    ALLOCINÉ: 2.9. Ouch! Even ON THE ROAD got 3.0. They felt it needed to be more original and astounding to compete with the Sam Raimi films and found this retreeam limited and lacking in boldness. A few felt the warmth of the romance and admired Garfield.

    [Engish title: THE ANGEL'S SHARE]
    de Ken Loach
    [UGC email:] Nous vous rappelons notre valeur sûre de la semaine dernière. L'insubmersible Ken Loach est toujours au rendez-vous, alliant avec maestria engagement social et humour.
    "We remind you of our good value from last week. The indomintable Ken Loach is always on hand, masterfully matching social consciousness and humor."
    ALLOCINÉ: 3.4
    This did well at Cannes but Mike D'Angelo felt it was overrated there. His Tweet on it: "The Angels' Share (Loach): 56. Puckish light commercial comedy with some big laughs and a Hollywood-ready contrived plot. Mild fun."

    de Woody Allen
    ALLOCINÉ: 2.7.
    Again, ouch! Looks like the French have abandoned their adored Woody this time. LES INROCKUPTIBLES calls this "the laziest of Woody's Euromovies." They have not received our American hits well this week.

    INSIDE by Andrés Baiz. Thriller in Spanish from Colombia.
    ALLOCINÉ 3.0.
    Some viewed it as a standard thriller that tells a tense tale but keeps the social background and characgter development too thin. The English titles of this is THE HIDDEN FACE, Spanish, LA CARA OCCULTA (The Dark Side) . Summary: "A Spanish orchestra conductor deals with the mysterious disappearance of his girlfriend."

    SUMMERTIME by Matthew Gordon.
    An indie "southern Gothic" American coming-of-ager set in Mississippi, No US release yet. This was reviewed by VARIETY at the Berlinale Feb. 2011 and he wrote, "A low-key cousin to films like Ballast' and 'Shotgun Stories' pic captures the rhythm and texture of its environment but is too understated in the telling, owing largely to an ensemble of non-pro locals who look the part but lack the charisma to make us care. "
    ALLOCINÉ: 3.5.
    Described as a "promising debut."
    Last edited by Chris Knipp; 10-25-2012 at 12:15 AM.

  12. #42
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    Ottawa Canada
    Wes Anderson's newest is the best film I've seen so far this year.
    It's a lock for a Best Picture nomination. Even now in July.
    It's an amazing movie, alright.
    A match struck in a dark cave.
    My faith in cinema is always tested, but movies like this one bring it all back home.

    I had a grin or a smile or a smirk on my face for the entire movie.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  13. #43
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    I was grinning all through, or smiling. It does that, makes you smile.
    It is the best American film of 2012 so far, and I don't know what competition it will have. I need to start a "Best Movies of far" list.

    Here it is:


  14. #44
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    Ursula Meier's SISTER, again.

    Released Oct. 6, 2012 in NYC. This has 16 reviews listed on Metacritic and a collective rating of 81. That puts it in the top 30 or so critically rated films of the year. Of narrative features it's one of a much smaller number.

    The official US trailer of SISTER is on YouTube here. Exclusive clip from the film here.

    Jeff Lipsky's Adopt Films is the US distributor. Check out Adopt Film's rolling release schedule throughout the US and see if it is coming to your area.

    Make every effort to see this great film.

    Note Kacey Mottet Klein was in Meier's first film HOME, he had never acted and was discovered for this film, and she liked him so much she decided to write a film for him and that became L'ENFANT D'EN HAUT (SISTER). He was 8 in HOME and 12 when they made SISTER.

    Kacey at an early public appearance after
    the release of HOME.

    Jeff Lipsky is hoping that SISTER will be Switzerland's entry for the Best Foreign Oscar and they will campaign for Agnes Godard to be nominated for Best Cinematographer. If she won she would be the first woman to win this award.

    From Facebook, Kacey in front of a poster of his film. Probably in Paris at the time of release there.
    Last edited by Chris Knipp; 10-25-2012 at 12:27 AM.

  15. #45
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    This is to inform viewers that SISTER/L'ENFANT D'EN HAUT (Ursula Meier) -- see the post above and my review -- is now available streaming (Instant Play) on Netflix and I highly recommend watching it if you have not.
    Last edited by Chris Knipp; 01-23-2014 at 01:29 AM.

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