Pittsburgh's not exactly a hotbed of immigration, no. I'd be shocked to see a Chinese film on sale anywhere, period, unless it was a PVT copy of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon... We do have a pretty good repertory conduit, though, with three different theaters showing classic films on a regular basis. Just passed up a chance to see Kubrick's The Killing on the big screen yesterday...

Incidentally, I passed it up to watch No Such Thing on DVD. I'm a Hal Hartley fan, and thought this was typically brilliant. His style is not always subtle, but definitely rich in small touches. Heavy-handed morality fables juxtaposed with extended dialogue-free shots, big on sarcasm and irony without losing touch of humanity -- in fact, arguing angrily for it in the face of heartlessness -- leads me to believe Hartley is greatly underseen and underappreciated, and far more important than he's given credit for.