On more than one occasion I've talked to theatre managers about the quality of the picture being projected-and usually get looks of "who the hell are you?" in return.

Nobody seems to complain if prints are scratched or spliced horribly, or if the sound levels are shit or don't match the image.
This happens FAR too often (at least in Canada) and I blame the guy in the projection booth. He inspects prints, splices them, and threads them through the projector. Why do they hire people who don't care? The vibe I get is "it's just a movie, relax" from these uppity managers. It pisses me off.

During the previews of 8 Mile the film MELTED on screen. While I loved the Brakhage-ness of it, I got pretty annoyed after 15 minutes of no restart. I was just about to ask for my money back when it began again-with the first few minutes missing!
For the majority of "Ronin", reel changes had about 3-5 seconds of dialogue cut off. These things SHOULD NOT happen.

I understand why Kubrick made sure his films were projected as he wanted. Wouldn't you?