While I have only seen about 1/4 of the movies out in 2002, here's my list of by top 10 favorite movies that were released this year:Best Movies of 2002

1. One Hour Photo (August - Robin Williams)
2. Frida (September - Salma Hayek)
3. Insomnia (May - Al Pacino, Robin Williams)
4. Death To Smoochy (March - Robin Williams)
5. Mostly Martha (August)
6. White Oleander (September - Alison Lohman, Robin Wright Penn, Michelle Pfeiffer, Renee Zellweger)
7. Chicago (December - Not Even Seen Yet)
8. My Big Fat Greek Wedding (April)
9. Spirited Away (September)
10. Birthday Girl (February- Nicole Kidman)
11. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (Sandra Bullock, Ashley Judd, Ellen Burstyn, Maggie Smith)

I seem to like Robin Williams alot and Chicago without even seeing it.